Initiating Projects Together

wemakeit – crowdfunding for fresh ideas,
artistic endeavors and creative products.

Come along with us!

We Fancy

Working together for Moldova

Architecture and Community


We are building a retirement home in Moldova to offer senior citizens a better quality of life. We need donations to build the heating system. Support us to give warmth and hope.

56 %
CHF 22’462
22 days to go

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education



by SpielRevier

We offer low-threshold play opportunities and are committed to providing more play and free space for children. It strengthens their health, participation, personal responsibility and well-being.

30 %
CHF 1’511
26 days to go
Der neue Kulturnewsletter

Publishing, Journalism, and Community

St. Gallen

Der neue Kulturnewsletter

by Kulturmagazin Saiten

Saiten wird dieses Jahr 30 Jahre alt. Zu unserem Geburtstag haben wir einen ganz besonderen Wunsch: eine vierte Redaktionsstelle, die sich um Kulturthemen kümmert.

35 %
CHF 22’980
16 days to go
Projet Box 62

Music, Community, and Art

Le Mont-sur-Lausanne

Projet Box 62

by assobox62

Création et gestion à but non lucratif de lieux éphémères ou permanents d’expression et d’apprentissage pluridisciplinaire autour de la musique et des arts.

31 %
CHF 4’710
23 days to go

Now! Projects


Fashion, Journalism, and Environment

Accra, Guangzhou, and Haiti


by reportagen

Du willst einen neuen Look? Plattformen wie Temu und Shein machen verführerische Angebote. Das verändert die globale Bekleidungsindustrie. Aber was sind die Folgen für Mensch und Umwelt?

33 %
CHF 7’316
24 days to go
Therapeutic center

Science, Fair Trade, and Community


Therapeutic center

by thomas Godfroid

Support us for the creation of a therapeutic center with access to human beings and self-healing!

14 %
CHF 4’210
16 days to go
Des vies dignes


Neuchâtel and Leiria

Des vies dignes

by Sara da Silva

Libérer, soigner et stériliser sont les maîtres-mots d'«Alpha & Cie». Aidez-moi à venir en aide aux sans-voix du Portugal.

69 %
CHF 1’045
16 days to go
Curing, with an open heart

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education


Fundraising to provide essential healthcare and social services in Mboro Sur Mer, a small village in Senegal. Asia and Emily will work intensively for one month to support the local community.

96 %
CHF 6’350
45 hours to go

Make your project take off

You have a project and we are in the crowdfunding business. Get your funding now and make sure people start hearing about your idea. If you have questions or need professional crowdfunding advice, our experts are happy to help you.

  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
  • Make it public when you feel ready to
  • Successful projects since 20127,264
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 101.9 m
  • Community Members640,098