Laurent Comisetti

"Who Am I in M.E!?" Project

Film und Musik


I am Miranda Elise, a 31 year old young artist with a Canadian mother and a Swiss father. I use my life experiences to write, compose, sing, rap and dance. Let's create this visual album together!

112 %
CHF 22’550
125 Unterstützer*innen
Queen's Underwear 1rst album



The Queen’s Underwear est un groupe Lausannois qui partage sur scène un mélange haut en couleur de strass et de Garage-Funk. Elles ont la niaque et besoin de toi pour financer leur premier album. <3

110 %
CHF 6’600
102 Unterstützer*innen
AD INFINITUM – 1st album



If your mind can see what your eyes don’t show you, if your heart can hear what your ears never dare to whisper, this album will project you into another era.
A real jewel of symphonic power metal!

143 %
CHF 14’386
210 Unterstützer*innen
4th Female Metal Fest 2018

Musik und Festival


The association promotes rock/metal singers and supports victims of aggression/abuse. November 30: 2nd edition of «Women Vocals 187», and December 1: 4th edition of «Female Metal Fest» #metoo

10 %
CHF 530
11 Unterstützer*innen

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  • Erfolgreiche Projekte seit 20127’517
  • Unsere wemakeit-Erfolgsquote62%
  • Gesamtsumme der UnterstützungenCHF 105.5 Mio.
  • Community Members670’538