
Design, art, and Environment



by OlgaRestrepoGlask

We hand-make drinking glasses out of empty bottles which have been thrown away in recycle and thrash bins. Then, we add cool and beautiful designs through screen printing.

7 %
CHF 215
4 backers
Hilfe für Whistleblower

Publishing, Politics, and Community


Hilfe für Whistleblower

by Natanael Wildermuth

Adam Quadroni, der Whistleblower des Bau-Kartelles ist heute ruiniert. Er kämpft nur noch um seine drei Töchter.
Hier können Sie Adam Quadroni unterstützen.

264 %
CHF 264’679
2055 backers
Choba Choba – Nativo Project

Food, Fair Trade, and Environment

Bern and Juanjuí

Cacao diversity is at risk today with an industry producing standardized chocolates. Help us to save rare cacao varieties and together we will create the most amazing Swiss chocolates out of them!

175 %
CHF 140’073
1063 backers
Unverpackt Laden in Baden AG

Food, Fair Trade, and Environment

Baden ist der erste Unverpackt-Laden im Kanton Aargau!

Nur mit deiner Hilfe können wir dieses Projekt in Angriff nehmen und du kannst bereits im August 2017 unverpackt, nachhaltig & fair einkaufen!

124 %
CHF 55’905
367 backers
Glaston’s Debut Album



Dreamy and experimental sounds combine to make music like no other – join us in making glaston’s debut album a reality.

124 %
CHF 9’930
104 backers
Echoes Release Event



YAEP! will soon present its new hip-hop album «Echoes». This calls for celebration! That’s why we are inviting several members of our Ugandan branch to join us for the release party on January 2017.

111 %
CHF 3’890
50 backers

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  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
  • Make it public when you feel ready to
  • Successful projects since 20127,139
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 100.6 m
  • Community Members627,777