Elisabeth Meisser

KALEIO: Empower Girls Now!

Editoria, sociale e infanzia / giovani

Basilea, Zurigo e Ginevra

KALEIO: Empower Girls Now!

di KALEIO für Mädchen (und den Rest der Welt)

Le magazine KALEIO encourage, accompagne et inspire les filles – car elles seront les femmes de demain. Aidez-nous à trouver 300 nouvelles abonnées ! Aidez-nous à continuer!

110 %
CHF 22’105
257 sostenitori
Simon Kiener NYC Postcards

Editoria, fumetti e turismo


The Bernese comic artist and illustrator Simon Kiener documented his stay in New York in 90 hand-drawn postcards. Based on these postcards we will now create a unique New York City guide.

104 %
CHF 15’730
158 sostenitori
LERNEN LERNEN - Buchprojekt

Editoria, infanzia / giovani e educazione

Bassersdorf e Kloten

LERNEN LERNEN - Buchprojekt

di Kristinas Lernstudio

Wie lernt man eigentlich? In meinem Lernstudio biete ich Kurse zum Thema «Lern- & Arbeitsmethoden» an. Mit diesem Thema habe ich mich intensiv befasst und möchte nun dazu ein Buch veröffentlichen.

105 %
CHF 10’500
92 sostenitori
Le Jass* pour tout le monde

Editoria, design e sociale


Enfin! Des reines qui règnent, des rois aimant les fleurs! Voici notre jeu de cartes traditionnel Suisse dans sa version respectueuse des genres.

167 %
CHF 12’953
234 sostenitori
PACKI – der Velokorb

Startup, design e ambiente


Gönn deinem Bike jetzt ein Upgrade! Unterstütze uns und transportiere dank PACKI noch mehr mit deinem Velo – stylisch, sicher und nachhaltig.

110 %
CHF 31’055
245 sostenitori
Building climate

Editoria, architettura e ambiente


Building climate

di Hochparterre

About one third of Switzerland's CO2 emissions is caused by buildings. In a small, green book with over 60 tips, we want to show how we can design and construct buildings in a climate-friendly way.

114 %
CHF 114’449
633 sostenitori
Token Economy – The Game

Giochi, tecnologia e educazione


Token Economy – The Game

di Felix, Loraine & Dominik

Bring your assets on the blockchain and receive tokens. Trade your tokens, build up clever holdings and speculate with crypto currencies. Exciting and fun board game for 2-6 players.

101 %
CHF 45’657
84 sostenitori
Social Fabric «Better Way»

Moda, commercio equo e sociale


We employ refugees in Switzerland, and we work together with three social enterprises internationally. Help us to build communities through textiles by supporting our campaign.

110 %
CHF 22’150
165 sostenitori
Keyboard Days Klosters

Musica e festival


Keyboard Days Klosters

di Kulturgesellschaft Klosters

Everything that is played with keys comes together over Easter in Klosters: accordion, organ, piano. Players either alone or with accompaniment will delight audiences at various venues.

107 %
CHF 21’560
79 sostenitori

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  • Progetti realizzati dal 20127’561
  • Percentuale di successo di wemakeit62%
  • Ammontare totale dei finanziamentiCHF 106.3 Mio
  • Membri della community677’102