Hans-Urs von Matt
Community and Kids / Youth
Lucerne and Ingenbohl
Rettet den Spielbus!
by Spielbus
Politics, Technology, and Environment
Bern, Zürich, and Geneva
Climate Ticker
by Nikki Böhler
Science, Politics, and Community
Test Basic Income Now
by Verein Grundeinkommen
Politics, Journalism, and Community
Buchprojekt Sans-Papiers
by Rotpunktverlag
Journalism, Community, and Kids / Youth
Basel, Lausanne, and Zürich
Neues Mädchenmagazin KOSMOS
by KALEIO für Mädchen (und den Rest der Welt)
Publishing, Literature, and Environment
Weissenburg im Simmental
PAARADIES – Das Paarbuch
by Andrea Frölich Oertle and Peter Oertle
Exhibition, Festival, and Art
165 celebration days: Dada!
by Adrian Christopher Notz and Cabaret Voltaire
Food, Publishing, and Community
«Heimat im Kochtopf»
by Rotpunktverlag and Hanna Gerig
Exhibition and Film
Belgrade, Winterthur, and Ljubljana
Balkan Xpress
by Ivana Kvesic
Photography and Journalism
Berlin and Aleppo
Photo-Report in Aleppo, Syria
by Boris Niehaus (Just)