Noemi Daugaard

Zwischendrin [InBetween]

Film, Community, and Art


Zwischendrin [InBetween]

by Stina Setri Glover

Through whose body do you see? In addressing the challenge of white feminism, this fictional short film explores the construction of reality(ies) based on corporeality.

100 %
CHF 10’045
130 backers
Plakate für Flavien und Anna

Politics and Community


Wir wollen in den Nationalrat. Um uns dort für eine soziale Schweiz einzusetzen. Dazu brauchen wir Plakate. Machst du sie möglich? Jeder Beitrag hilft.

117 %
CHF 29’345
643 backers
EP #dirtytweet



EP #dirtytweet

by Pink Jelly Bean

We are a young hard rock band from Ticino and we are going to enter the studio for the production of our second EP: #dirtytweet. Help us to fulfill our project and keep rock’n’roll alive!

113 %
CHF 5’656
37 backers

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  • Successful projects since 20127,274
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 102.1 m
  • Community Members642,088