Ralph Bornhauser

Kulturkafi Stolzehüsli

Food, Community, and Art


Das Quartier- & Kulturkafi «Stolzehüsli» auf der Stolzewiese in Zürich braucht Starthilfe. Ein Treffpunkt für Kaffee, Feierabendbiere, Spiel & Spass und gemeinschaftlich kreierte Veranstaltungen.

108 %
CHF 35’950
336 backers
NLA basketball in Baden

Kids / Youth and Sport


NLA basketball in Baden

by Nadine Hügli - Präsidentin Supporter Club Baden Basket 54

The talented Baden Basket 54 Women’s Team has been playing in the second best league (NLB) for many years and would now like to, with your support, make the jump into the highest league (NLA).

112 %
CHF 33’755
183 backers
Nai Nami Initiative

Startup, Community, and Kids / Youth


A social impact project that hires street children and unemployed youth from slums as city guides in Nairobi to put their unique street skills into practice in order to earn a regular income.

102 %
CHF 5’000
23 backers
Hilfe für Whistleblower

Publishing, Politics, and Community


Hilfe für Whistleblower

by Natanael Wildermuth

Adam Quadroni, der Whistleblower des Bau-Kartelles ist heute ruiniert. Er kämpft nur noch um seine drei Töchter.
Hier können Sie Adam Quadroni unterstützen.

264 %
CHF 264’679
2054 backers

Politics, Journalism, and Sport



by médias pour tous - medien für alle - media per tutti

We want to preserve our national, regional and local radios and TV channels. We want to preserve Swiss cinema, music and sports! Help us in our campaign against the No Billag initiative!

100 %
CHF 120’760
669 backers

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  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
  • Make it public when you feel ready to
  • Successful projects since 20127,534
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 106.3 m
  • Community Members673,965