Beethoven & Schubert - 1824


Vienna e Zurigo

Beethoven & Schubert - 1824

di Sarah Weilenmann

Unsere dritte CD entführt Dich in Beethovens und Schuberts Klangwelten – visionär und wehmütig-verhangen.

107 %
EUR 17’228
56 sostenitori
Oneness and Beyond

Cinema e sociale

Zurigo e Sedona

Oneness and Beyond


A documentary film about the current change of human consciousness from separation and suffering towards oneness - about the journey of awakening, accompanied by beautiful images from nature.

104 %
CHF 22’000
112 sostenitori
Music Impro with Guests

Musica e sociale


Music Impro with Guests

di Music for People Europe

Musik erleben, spielend und zuhörend! Music for People startet im Herbst eine neue Veranstaltungsreihe. Den ersten Anlass gestalten Piu Nandi und Pt. Udhai Mazumdar am 22./23.10.2016 in Basel.

100 %
CHF 2’510
18 sostenitori
Debut-CD des PQV


Vienna e Zurigo

Debut-CD des PQV

di Sarah Weilenmann

«Werden – Sein – Vergehen»: Let yourself be carried away into the wonderful music of Haydn, Webern, Derungs and Mayuzumi with the Pacific Quartet Vienna.

108 %
EUR 13’052
61 sostenitori
Duo Arnicans



Duo Arnicans

di Duo Arnicans

Recording and production of our Debut-CD «Duo Arnicans» with music by F. Chopin and E. von Dohnanyi for cello and piano!

102 %
CHF 10’309
52 sostenitori

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  • Percentuale di successo di wemakeit62%
  • Ammontare totale dei finanziamentiEUR 103.8 Mio
  • Membri della community654’125