Sabina Hasanova

One Cello



One Cello

di Ivan Turkalj

With my solo album, I celebrate the cello: from enchanting exuberance to jazzy power, from ancient sounds to groovy noises. Join me in exploring the world of the Cello!

104 %
EUR 8’870
80 sostenitori
Neapolitan Songs vol.3

Musica, arte e letteratura


Neapolitan Songs vol.3

di Bryan Davis Benner

«Li Pisce Tornano!» means the fishes are back! It's also the title of our long awaited 3rd album of Neapolitan songs, featuring 11 exceptional arrangements by the legendary duo Cigliano & Gangi.

105 %
EUR 10’507
75 sostenitori
Bergfried Kultur

Musica, festival e arte


Bergfried Kultur

di Bergfried Kultur e.V.

Unterstütze unser Bergfried Kulturfestival 2023 von 16.6 bis 18.6. Tolle Konzerte, Austellungen, Workshops und Kunsthandwerker an einem einzigartigen Ort über den Dächern der Passauer Altstadt.

119 %
EUR 17’850
115 sostenitori
The Erlkings Do Schumann


Vienna e Londra

The Erlkings will never be done with Schubert but now we’ve set our sights on Robert Schumann and we’re going to take him for all he's worth, starting with «Dichterliebe» and «Liederkreis» (Op. 39).

109 %
EUR 16’351
185 sostenitori
Bryan Benner: The Modern Man


Vienna, Londra e New York

Bryan Benner: The Modern Man

di Bryan Davis Benner

Frontman and founder of The Erlkings, Die Wandervögel and The Pool Boys, Bryan Benner presents his first solo album of original songs.

128 %
EUR 6’425
112 sostenitori
Giniginamar: The Album


Vienna e Zurigo

Giniginamar: The Album

di Bryan Davis Benner e Christoph Zimper

Your chance to pre-order the long awaited recording of Bryan Benner and Christoph Zimper's legendary collaboration on the island of Fuerteventura.

105 %
EUR 7’388
65 sostenitori
The Erlkings – D.S.M.

Musica e letteratura


An exclusive pre-sale of The Erlkings long awaited second album: Schubert's Die Schöne Müllerin (D.S.M.) with new arrangements of all 20 songs of the cycle and readings of the 5 unset Müller poems.

116 %
EUR 9’333
151 sostenitori
VIVID Consort Debut CD



VIVID Consort Debut CD

di Vivid Consort

«Bitter Fruit» – a collection of songs from the renaissance era, joyful, heartbreaking, bittersweet melodies delivered by instruments and voices of VIVID Consort. Join VIVID on their latest adventure!

114 %
EUR 5’746
78 sostenitori
Wandervögel – Trüffelräuber



Wandervögel – Trüffelräuber

di Raphael Widmann e Bryan Davis Benner

This is your chance to pre-order «Trüffelräuber», the newest album by Die Wandervögel. If you enjoyed our EP «Schenket Ein», soon you’ll have a full length album of our new take on the folk songs of A

117 %
EUR 6’504
82 sostenitori
BB and The Pool Boys «Debut»



BB and The Pool Boys «Debut»

di Bryan Davis Benner

A chance to preorder the long awaited debut album of Bryan Benner and the Pool Boys! The songs of an American troubadour meet two outstanding Austrian musicians. Voice/guitar, cornet, and double bass.

123 %
EUR 6’887
125 sostenitori
Anonymous was a Woman

Musica e sociale

Vienna, Salisburgo e Monaco di Baviera

Anonymous was a Woman

di Ferhan & Ferzan Önder

Empowerment! Music and art succeed in expressing what is difficult to explain socially. Support our project initiative together with international composers and artists.

101 %
EUR 18’205
34 sostenitori
The Erlkings


Vienna e Zurigo

The Erlkings

di The Erlkings

For our first Album «The Erlkings: Esssential Collection» we have chosen 12 of Schubert’s best songs and re-imagined them into the 21st century. Not only for Schubert Fans – Guaranteed!

102 %
EUR 10’293
139 sostenitori

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  • Percentuale di successo di wemakeit62%
  • Ammontare totale dei finanziamentiEUR 105.9 Mio
  • Membri della community669’270