IKW Kunstfestival Winterthur

Music, Festival, and Art


Das IKW ist ein interdisziplinäres Kunstfestival, welches drei Sparten der darstellenden Künste (Musik, Literatur und visuelle Künste) zu einem neuen Format verschmilzt. Die «Wandelnde Kunst».

111 %
CHF 3’335
39 backers
Impact Fund 2020 / Climate



Impact Fund 2020 / Climate

by Verein Impact2020 and Team wemakeit

Do more for our climate! With the Impact Fund and your support, we’ll help climate projects at wemakeit come to life. Join us now, the time to save our climate is running out!

108 %
CHF 271’799
2035 backers
CO₂-Score of all foods

Science, Food, and Environment


CO₂-Score of all foods

by Manuel Klarmann and Judith Ellens

We aim to calculate the CO₂ balance of 109,000 food products - and to make this data publicly available free of charge. This still needs some preparatory work. Can you help?

136 %
CHF 53’336
485 backers
NOCLOCK – The Hackable Watch

Design, Community, and Technology


A DIY watch kit that breaks the rules of our traditional watch industry as it allows you to design an infinite number of models that are completely adapted to your capacities and to your dreams.

163 %
CHF 32’734
156 backers
Crowd Container #3

Food and Fair Trade

Zürich and Kozhikode

Crowd Container #3

by Crowd Container

Vermisst du den roten Reis, die Gewürze, das Kokosöl, Kaffee und die besten Cashews der Welt? Unsere Partner in Kerala freuen sich schon riesig auf deine nächste Bestellung!

126 %
CHF 76’191
467 backers
Mehr als Tante Emma

Food and Community


Wir haben bald einen Laden auf dem Hunziker Areal in Zürich, der uns gehört. Viele helfende Hände des Quartiers ermöglichen dies. Und das Beste ist: Du kannst mitbestimmen, was im Regal steht.

108 %
CHF 38’030
133 backers
The Fine Art of Composting

Startup, Design, and Environment


Nie mehr organische Abfälle in deinem Kehrrichtsack. Unser ureigenst entwickelter WORMUP-Komposter, aus natürlichen Materialien zum recyceln bei dir Zuhause. Mit deiner Hilfe geht’s in die Produktion.

250 %
CHF 80’071
362 backers

Make your project take off

You have a project and we are in the crowdfunding business. Get your funding now and make sure people start hearing about your idea. If you have questions or need professional crowdfunding advice, our experts are happy to help you.

  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
  • Make it public when you feel ready to
  • Successful projects since 20127,420
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 104.6 m
  • Community Members659,301