Kraft des Durchhaltens

Editoria, sociale e letteratura


Kraft des Durchhaltens

di Sans-Papiers-Kollektive Basel, die Anlaufstelle für Sans-Papiers Basel und die Anny-Klawa-Morf-Stiftung

Wir Sans-Papiers aus Basel haben gemeinsam ein Buch geschrieben. Es erzählt von der Kraft des Durchhaltens. In der Schweiz wird viel über uns gesprochen, aber nicht mit uns. Dieses Buch ändert das.

127 %
CHF 12’740
143 sostenitori
Keep Basel Panto Alive!

Arti sceniche


Keep Basel Panto Alive!

di Basel English Panto Group e Richard Brown

The Basel English Panto Group has successfully staged family entertainment since 1994. But the group needs your support to produce «Alice in Wonderland» this year and to keep going in the future.

146 %
CHF 7’334
73 sostenitori
Basel Life Digital!



Basel Life Digital!

di Basel Life

Basel Life Magazine goes digital! Find everything you need to know to make the most of your life in Basel—events, tips, and culture—at the click of a mouse on our new English-language online platform.

100 %
CHF 22’200
114 sostenitori
Trailing Spouse Reimagined

Editoria e letteratura


Trailing Spouse Reimagined

di Helvetiq and Bergli Books

«The Trailing Spouse Reimagined» explores the real challenges and true joys of life abroad as a trailing partner. Support us in our quest to share our book with as may people as possible.

105 %
CHF 5’269
66 sostenitori
Basel's Hidden Stories

Editoria, infanzia / giovani e letteratura


Basel's Hidden Stories

di Basel English Panto Group e Richard Harvell

The book BASEL’S HIDDEN STORIES leads children through the alleys of Basel’s old town using fun maps and activities to engage children as they discover what still remains of the old city of Basel.

137 %
CHF 6’860
140 sostenitori
Women composers in concert



Women composers in concert

di frauenkomponiert Basel

Orchestral works by women of the past are almost never performed. With our project «frauenkomponiert» we want to change this and to send out a new signal into the concert scene.

100 %
CHF 12’580
36 sostenitori

Fai decollare il tuo progetto

Tu ci metti il progetto e noi la competenza sul crowdfunding. Ottieni da subito il tuo finanziamento e fai conoscere la tua idea. I nostri esperti* sono felici di rispondere alle tue domande e di consigliarti dall’alto della loro qualificata esperienza di crowdfunding.

  • Paghi solo se il tuo progetto ha successo
  • Sei tu a decidere quando pubblicare il tuo progetto
  • Progetti realizzati dal 20127’534
  • Percentuale di successo di wemakeit62%
  • Ammontare totale dei finanziamentiCHF 105.9 Mio
  • Membri della community673’948