Cial Drawings

Editoria e arte


Cial Drawings

di Peter Tillessen

In his book «Cial Drawings» Peter Tillessen is showing a selection of 240 pencil drawings from the past three years.

104 %
CHF 3’650
26 sostenitori
165 celebration days: Dada!

Mostre, festival e arte


165 celebration days: Dada!

di Adrian Christopher Notz e Cabaret Voltaire

In 2016 Dada will celebrate its 100th anniversary. Cabaret Voltaire will commemorate this happening by holding 165 days of festivities and by presenting a special exhibition. Support us in our activities and receive in return your personal holiday.

101 %
CHF 101’310
157 sostenitori
«...& Gloria»

Arti sceniche


Eine skurrile Theaterwanderung durch eine gespenstisch normale Familiengeschichte. Vier Geschichten, vier Wege – ein Ort: Das Gelände der ehemaligen Spielzeugfabrik WisaGloria in Lenzburg.

101 %
CHF 5’075
40 sostenitori
Old Masters Revisited

Fotografia, editoria e arte


Old Masters Revisited

di Katharina Lütscher e Julia Sheppard

Art publication combining the photographs of Katharina Lütscher and paintings of Julia Sheppard with the essays of guest writers, on the theme of 17th century Dutch painting.

111 %
CHF 9’465
79 sostenitori




di Verein adapter

Adapter est un véhicule portable, pour l’art contemporain et culture dans l’espace public. Votre contribution va directement à la structure multifonctionnel de l’ensemble du véhicule.

106 %
CHF 11’791
70 sostenitori
Pornydays – Makeout4ultimate

Festival e arte


Porny Days ist Zürichs Festival, das sich der Sexualität in Film und Kunst widmet. Neben Filmen gibt es dieses Jahr auch eine spektakuläre Performance: Makeout4ultimate.

54 %
CHF 1’220
16 sostenitori

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  • Progetti realizzati dal 20127’374
  • Percentuale di successo di wemakeit62%
  • Ammontare totale dei finanziamentiEUR 103.8 Mio
  • Membri della community654’123