Valentin Splett

Building climate

Publishing, architecture, and Environment


Building climate

by Hochparterre

About one third of Switzerland's CO2 emissions is caused by buildings. In a small, green book with over 60 tips, we want to show how we can design and construct buildings in a climate-friendly way.

114 %
CHF 114’449
633 backers
Crowd Container #5

Food, agriculture, and Fair Trade

Zürich, Basel, and Mendoza

Crowd Container #5

by Crowd Container

Wie schmeckt der Kaffee von Carmen, Erick und Jhobinson aus dem peruanischen Bergregenwald? Erlebe Spezialitätenkaffee – 100% transparent vom Feld in deine Tasse.

109 %
CHF 39’529
317 backers
Emil Frey - Konzerte

Music and Performing Arts

Zürich and Berlin

Emil Frey - Konzerte

by Luisa Splett

Zum 70. Todestag dieses zu Unrecht in Vergessenheit geratenen Schweizer Komponisten wird im November 2016 in Berlin und in Zürich ein musikalischer Querschnitt durch sein Schaffen vorgestellt.

134 %
EUR 5’106
38 backers
CD «Like flying»



CD «Like flying»

by Luisa Splett

My first professional studio CD is called «Wie im Fluge» («Like flying»). It includes premieres and rarely performed music by Hermann Goetz, Sergei Prokofiev, Martin Wendel and Alfred Felder.

114 %
CHF 13’730
89 backers

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  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
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