

In spring 2016, FREITAG and wemakeit invited project initiators to present their ongoing campaigns at crowdfunding soirées in Zurich, Lausanne and Vienna. By delivering powerfully convincing presentations, the idea was to win over the audience and get its support. In an additional boost to their visibility, FREITAG advertised the projects on its high-traffic website



Gemeinde Sankt Andrä-Wördern


by Fahrradfilet

Aus weggeworfenen Fahrrädern werden praktische und schöne Gebrauchsgegenstände hergestellt.
Hier unsere erste Serie: ressourcenschonend und nachhaltig produziert – mit Handarbeit & Liebe.

103 %
EUR 11’437
81 backers
My Esel – Individual Bike

Startup, Design, and Environment

Linz and Vienna

Hilf uns, mit «My Esel» das Fahrrad neu zu erfinden. Am Computer geplant, aus Holz gemacht, perfekt auf Körper und Stil des Fahrers angepasst. Jetzt bestellen. Aus Liebe zum Radfahren. #ridewithstyle

208 %
EUR 31’259
62 backers
Ghostletters Vienna Book

Photography and Publishing


Ghostletters are fleeting urban witnesses to history and are generated wherever writing in public spaces is removed. We would like to dedicate Europe’s first book to these dying characters.

103 %
EUR 12’470
165 backers
Epicerie La Brouette

Food, Community, and Environment


Epicerie La Brouette

by Epicerie La Brouette

La Brouette ouvrira en septembre à Lausanne! Ce projet coopératif propose des produits locaux, bios, vendus en vrac. Les acteurs principaux ne sont autres que les producteurs et les clients!

155 %
CHF 62’102
654 backers
Paradigme eyewear

Design and Environment


Paradigme eyewear

by Lucy Authié

Devenez parrain de Paradigme eyewear! Grâce à vous, la marque de haute lunetterie pourra lancer sa première collection en Papercomposite, matériau créé à partir de papier recyclé.

104 %
CHF 15’640
100 backers
The Fine Art of Composting

Startup, Design, and Environment


Nie mehr organische Abfälle in deinem Kehrrichtsack. Unser ureigenst entwickelter WORMUP-Komposter, aus natürlichen Materialien zum recyceln bei dir Zuhause. Mit deiner Hilfe geht’s in die Produktion.

250 %
CHF 80’071
362 backers
Local Colours

Fashion, Design, and Environment

Zürich, Lausanne, and Yverdon-les-Bains

Local Colours

by Caroline Fourré

Can avocado peelings or red cabbage leaves be used to dye textiles? Yes, it’s possible! Different vegetable residues from the local food industry can be transformed into unexpected natural dyes. Local Colours wants one thing: to continue this adventure along with you!

190 %
CHF 10’024
138 backers
Comics Tour de Suisse

Publishing and Comics


Comics Tour de Suisse

by Marc Locatelli, Martin Born, and Dominik Allemann

Die besten Zeichner der Schweiz erzählen mit Comics bizzare Episoden und stille Bubenträume von der Tour de Suisse. Väter des Projektes sind der Zeichner Marc Locatelli und der Autor Martin Born.

112 %
CHF 56’130
252 backers
La Ficelle

Publishing, Journalism, and Tourism


La Ficelle

by Association Allumette

A new media about Lausanne available online and on paper.

125 %
CHF 10’014
138 backers

Make your project take off

You have a project and we are in the crowdfunding business. Get your funding now and make sure people start hearing about your idea. If you have questions or need professional crowdfunding advice, our experts are happy to help you.

  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
  • Make it public when you feel ready to
  • Successful projects since 20127,504
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 105.8 m
  • Community Members668,218