We are the wemakeit team

On average, we are 38.6 years old. In total we have 13 children and are 6.236 centimetres tall. Many of us have been with wemakeit since its beginnings. And together, we are all committed each day to making wemakeit better and to helping make projects a reality.

What we do is important to us. How we do it is important to us too. New Work and Holacracy inspire our everyday life. Flat hierarchies and a transparent salary model are not buzzwords here. We work together closely even if we happen to be separated physically – unless we’re on one of our legendary retreats, but that’s another topic.

We’re constantly trying out new things and allow ourselves to make mistakes. This gives us the freedom to grow and to easily keep pace in a rapidly changing world.

wemakeit crew

When we’re not out and about on surfboards, kiteboards, snowboards, rubber boats or with vans, we’re usually sitting at desks in the south of France, Geneva, Bern, Zurich, St. Gallen, Bonn, Karlsruhe and Vienna. From there, we spend every day doing all we can to ensure the success of wemakeit projects. Sometimes we even start a project ourselves (like here, here, here, here and here). More often though, we’re busy supporting private projects. So far, we’ve helped more than 827. And more are in the pipeline!

Founders and companions

In 2012, wemakeit goes online as the first Swiss crowdfunding platform. Our declared mission: the democratisation of cultural funding. The founders and other long-time companions still support us in word and deed.


Our fantastic network of organisations and freelancers help us out with everything we can’t do on our own. They’re always at hand with the right expertise.

  • Babajalscha Flurina Meili (Text English)
  • Claude Heini (Leading Power I Coaching)
  • Digital Organizing (Campaigning)
  • Esmeralda Mattei (Text Italian)
  • Gaëlle Guicheney (Text French)
  • Joël Luc Cachelin (Wissensfabrik I Strategy)
  • Josephine Belke (Heart Ahead I Coaching)
  • Luc Henry und Mirko Bischofberger (consulting science projects)
  • Martina Arioli (Arioli Law)
  • Philipp Dornbierer (Yeteh I Illustrations)
  • Teal Systems (OKR Process Support)
  • Wortspiel (AdWords Consultant, Analytics, SEO, CRO)


Since 2012 so many people have put their energy, patience, passion and brainpower into wemakeit. They’ve all helped us get to where we are today: Adriana Rys, Alex Senn, Aline Piet, Alizé Aversano, Anne Lutz, Aurélie Pittori, Caroline Dausmann, Caroline Fourré, Corinne Gerber, Denise de Roux, Elisabeth Mürzl, Emile Joudié, Eva Tschiderer, Gregor Wassmann, Jalina Glanzmann, Jana Schiffmann, Lars Nielsen, Lea-Marie Delazer, Lorenz König, Malex Spiegel, Matthias Gieselmann, Michael Walchhütter, Nina Hodel, Nuria Furrer, Sandro Alvarez-Hummel, Sebastian Schulze, Simone Mathys-Parnreiter, Siriam Drobik, Sophie Ballmer

Photo Credits

Katharina Lütscher