Christoph Schuler
Science, Publishing, and Environment
Bern and Chur
Climate Sheet 2023
by Klimablatt2023
Community, Comics, and Literature
Too Big to Fail?!
by Edition Moderne
Community, Environment, and Education
Zürich, Nairobi, and Cologne
Building the Treasure Hub
by Hardy, Julia, and Bonny
Journalism, Community, and Art
Basel, Zürich, and Bern
Die Petarde
by Wer braucht schon Satire?
Community, Kids / Youth, and Literature
Zürich, Bern, and St. Gallen
Lou's bunte Nachbarschaft
by Lou's bunte Nachbarschaft, Fabienne Schellenberg, and Tania Kyburz
Design and Community
Strick Café
by MariMar Strick Café GmbH