Impact Fund 2021: Next Level


Zürich and Vienna

Impact Fund 2021: Next Level

by Verein Impact2020, Partnerstiftung (Start 2021), and Team wemakeit

Together, we can do it: We are giving 20 top crowdfunding projects, all of which have exhibited a positive impact on climate – a boost. Get involved today to help shape a better world for tomorrow.

216 %
CHF 541’690
2322 backers
choeur des bâtards

Music and Art


choeur des bâtards

by choeur des bâtards

Le choeur des bâtards, merveilleux regroupement de chanteuses et de chanteurs de tous horizons, réunis sous la houlette de Marie Grandjean, chantent les compositions de Primasch

106 %
CHF 8’480
100 backers
Le Point Commun

Food, Fair Trade, and Community


Dès janvier 2019, une nouvelle équipe va reprendre la gestion d'un bar à café dans le théâtre «Equilibre» avec comme objectif d’amener de la vie en journée, de mélanger les gens et les genres.

112 %
CHF 33’712
355 backers
Génies du code – le livre

Publishing, Comics, and Technology


Génies du code – le livre

by Sylvain Fankhauser and Fanny Vaucher

Impression d’un manuel d’apprentissage de la programmation web en complète autonomie, destiné aux débutant-e-s, avec une approche hautement originale et farouchement rigoureuse. Testé et approuvé!

143 %
CHF 10’030
93 backers
EP Release - The Bank



Nous sommes enfin prêts à enregistrer notre premier EP, ne nous manque plus qu’un peu d’aide pour son financement. <3 Merci...

113 %
CHF 5’690
65 backers

Food and Startup

Lausanne, Vevey, and Fribourg


by Alexandra M

Sydney Café is a Coffee Food Truck offering delicious sweet and savory pastries along with a wide range of quality tea and coffee. On the Road in December across Swiss Romande!

101 %
CHF 25’482
147 backers
DAWA – the third album



Our third album turned out better than expected – unfortunately more expensive too... We need your support! Make it happen!

120 %
EUR 7’850
206 backers
Sprinter Aid



End of July we will travel to Greece to deliver material and help out in a refugee camp. Your contribution will allow us to buy first aid material on the spot.

128 %
CHF 10’280
123 backers
i am who i am



i am who i am

by Mark Kelly

«i am who i am» is an album that I've wanted to record for over a year now and is finally looking possible. with your help it will be possible – there are some very exciting songs to recorded :)

127 %
CHF 12’725
145 backers
My Heart Belongs To Cecilia Winter makes a video

Film and Music


My Heart Belongs To Cecilia Winter makes a video

by My Heart Belongs To Cecilia Winter

We will release our album MIDNIGHT MIDNIGHT this summer in Germany, France and Austria. For this we’re producing a video. Yes!

124 %
CHF 3’720
41 backers

Make your project take off

You have a project and we are in the crowdfunding business. Get your funding now and make sure people start hearing about your idea. If you have questions or need professional crowdfunding advice, our experts are happy to help you.

  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
  • Make it public when you feel ready to
  • Successful projects since 20127,534
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 106.3 m
  • Community Members673,943