MOA - sustainable detergent

Startup, Community, and Environment


MOA - sustainable detergent

by MOA made of ashes

Clean without leaving a trace ! That’s MOA’s mission. Cleaning products developed with one philosophy: our ecosystem must be preserved and its resources upcycled. Join us!

91 %
CHF 27’314
5 days to go
WAYA reinvent the toothpaste

Startup, Community, and Environment


The best toothpaste for your health and for the planet. My goal is to offer you a natural toothpaste, without plastic packaging, that is as good and as effective as a traditional toothpaste.

188 %
CHF 13’203
272 backers
NOW Care Instant Soaps

Startup, Community, and Environment

Lausanne and Bern

NOW Care Instant Soaps

by NOW Care - Larina

We’re explorers, We’re curious, We're NOW Care.
Make minimal-waste your lifestyle with our instant soap powder. Powder + Water + Shake = a practical and earth-friendly shower.

100 %
CHF 40’314
605 backers
Rañute - For Women, Period.

Fashion, Community, and Environment

Lausanne and Renens

The only store where women will find everything they need for their ovarian cycle, a place to look, touch and receive advice. Help us finance our 1st Pop-Up concept store!

215 %
CHF 21’557
276 backers
Epicerie vrac Bio Bulk

Food, Fair Trade, and Environment


Epicerie vrac Bio Bulk

by Françoise Maden

Bio Bulk c’est la future épicerie zéro déchet, bio et local favorisant le circuit court. Elle sera équipée d’une machine à distribuer de la bière en vrac et d'un moulin à broyer les oléagineux.

118 %
CHF 41’306
262 backers
Zollingers Solid Shampoo bar

Startup, Fair Trade, and Environment


Zollingers Solid Shampoo bar

by Zollinger Bio

We are launching our first Solid Shampoo bar based on blue linseed (flax) extracts, straight from our garden: a rich foam that's soft on your hair, all without plastics!

273 %
CHF 27’356
681 backers
Basic Boutique en vrac!

Fair Trade, Community, and Environment


Basic Boutique en vrac!

by Basic Products

Il est grand temps de changer notre mode de consommation! Dans cette optique nous voulons nous engager dans un commerce zéro déchet, équitable et local, basé sur une boutique en vrac à Lausanne.

100 %
CHF 35’287
110 backers

Architecture, Community, and Tourism

Martigny, Praya, and Lausanne


by PuraWorka

Launching vibrant CoWorking spaces in beautiful destinations around the world! Developing a new physical&digital experience with ecosystem partnerships to foster a pure balance between work&lifestyle!

105 %
CHF 63’192
252 backers
Sixtus-Lausanne:Hair Dry Bar

Fashion and Community


Sixtus-Lausanne:Hair Dry Bar

by Sixtus - Lausanne

1er Hair Dry Bar de Lausanne: Ce concept simple de «coiffures à la carte», offre aux femmes la possibilité de se faire coiffer en un temps moyen de 30 minutes.
Coiffures only !

35 %
CHF 17’675
148 backers

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  • Successful projects since 20127,139
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 100.6 m
  • Community Members628,136