Bistro 21Stärne!

Food, Community, and Kids / Youth


Bistro 21Stärne!

by Mensch21!

We need YOUR support! Our newly opened bistro «21Stärne» in Bern offers jobs for people with trisomy21.

104 %
CHF 46’885
219 backers
Bees on the road

Agriculture, Community, and Environment

Rüschlikon and Hedingen

Bees on the road

by Jürg + Myris Imkerei

Help us to put our very old Berna 1948 bee lorry into operation. We need your support for the restoration so that we can take the bees on a journey again soon.

110 %
CHF 36’486
167 backers

Food, Startup, and Environment

Zollikofen and Zürich


by Mike Whyte and Flavio Hagenbuch

We have developed Luya – the tasty alternative to meat that doesn't try to be meat. 100% natural, circular deliciousness made in Switzerland from rescued organic ingredients.

224 %
CHF 56’046
318 backers
sustainable notebooks

Startup, Community, and Environment

St. Gallen

sustainable notebooks

by naturalNote GmbH | Nachhaltige Notizbücher

Producing high-quality notebooks from sustainable materials – that's my passion. In order to realize a project close to my heart, I need your support!

145 %
CHF 10’219
59 backers
Impuls Bienenweide

Community and Environment


Impuls Bienenweide

by Verein Impuls Bienenweide

Ein ernsthaftes Problem: Den Bienen mangelt es mehr und mehr an Nahrungsquellen. Wir wollen mit einer Website und Online-Pflanzenfinder zu bienenfreundlichen Balkonen, Terrassen und Gärten motivieren.

104 %
CHF 11’476
85 backers
Hilfe für Nathalie

Community and Kids / Youth


Hilfe für Nathalie

by Verein "Gemeinsam gegen Kindsmissbrauch" + Gruppe "Hilfe für Nathalie"

Kindesmissbrauch: Hilf mit, die achtjährige Nathalie zu unterstützen! Der «Fall Nathalie» hat im Frühling für Schlagzeilen gesorgt. Wir sammeln für Nathalie und ihre Mutter!

235 %
CHF 82’507
461 backers

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  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
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  • Successful projects since 20127,534
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportCHF 105.9 m
  • Community Members673,949