Valérie Rattaz

illo, eco-designed soap dish

Startup, Design, and Environment


A soap dish that is eco-designed, scalable, sustainable and anti-waste: that's «illo». To protect your solid cosmetics in the most beautiful way.
Delivery of contributions in September 2024.

102 %
CHF 15’302
95 backers
Recycled Bicycle Tire Belts

Startup, Sport, and Environment


Recycled Bicycle Tire Belts

by muusette and jaserred

With muusette, Swiss bicycle shops can, for the first time, quickly reduce their ecological footprint by giving tires and air chambers a second life in the form of belts and accessories

100 %
CHF 15’020
59 backers
Support "La Maison du Récit"

Community, art, and Education


Support «La Maison du Récit»

by La Maison du Récit

Open to all, La Maison du Récit invites us to take care of stories, as well as to create and revisit our individual and collective stories to (re)invent our lives and our cultures together.

106 %
CHF 25’650
127 backers
Impact Fund 2021: Next Level


Zürich and Vienna

Impact Fund 2021: Next Level

by Verein Impact2020, Partnerstiftung (Start 2021), and Team wemakeit

Together, we can do it: We are giving 20 top crowdfunding projects, all of which have exhibited a positive impact on climate – a boost. Get involved today to help shape a better world for tomorrow.

216 %
CHF 541’690
2322 backers
Impro et récits de vie

Community, Performing arts, and Education


Impro et récits de vie

by La Maison du Récit

La troupe Théâtre Playback Romand pratique une forme d’improvisation inédite, créatrice de lien. Victime (consentante) de son succès, elle doit transformer ses locaux. Aidez-nous à faire ces travaux!

117 %
CHF 14’080
127 backers
Impact Fund 2020 / Climate



Impact Fund 2020 / Climate

by Verein Impact2020 and Team wemakeit

Do more for our climate! With the Impact Fund and your support, we’ll help climate projects at wemakeit come to life. Join us now, the time to save our climate is running out!

108 %
CHF 271’799
2035 backers
Ecobio&co, artisan du vrac

Food, Fair Trade, and Environment


Ecobio&co est un magasin en vrac, à Morges, proposant des produits alimentaires, locaux ou bio, mais aussi des produits d’hygiène et d’entretien, et plein d'autres surprises au fil des saisons.

115 %
CHF 46’120
351 backers

Make your project take off

You have a project and we are in the crowdfunding business. Get your funding now and make sure people start hearing about your idea. If you have questions or need professional crowdfunding advice, our experts are happy to help you.

  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
  • Make it public when you feel ready to
  • Successful projects since 20127,420
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 104.6 m
  • Community Members659,299