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207successful projects close to Bidar in fair trade

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Bidar. But this may be of interest to you.
Crowd Container

Food, Startup, and Fair Trade

Kozhikode and Zurich

Crowd Container

by Crowd Container

Bestell deine Gewürze, Nüsse, Kaffee, Reis und feines Kokosöl direkt bei den BäuerInnen in Kerala! Hilf mit, den Crowd Container zu füllen und werde Teil eines neuen Modells für den fairen Handel.

161 %
CHF 83’994
530 backers
Help Nepal during Corona

Fair Trade and Community

Kathmandu and St. Gallen

Help Nepal during Corona


Corona hits Nepal hard. We support our producer in Nepal. Help us to reduce the financial worries and to cover the fixed costs. For the benefit of all employees.

130 %
CHF 6’535
52 backers
manoli scarves

Fashion, Startup, and Fair Trade

Basel and Kathmandu

For you. For everyone. Handmade scarves from pure cashmere wool from the Himalaya. Fair and sustainable production. A non-profit project from Basel and Kathmandu.

106 %
CHF 52’128
147 backers
Didi Textiles

Fashion, Fair Trade, and Community


Didi Textiles

by Studio Anna Heringer, Veronika Lena Lang & DIPSHIKHA

This is not a shirt. It is a playground, a garden, a mud house.
Didi Textiles allow women in Bangladesh to earn a living in their villages instead of working under inhumane conditions in a big factory

148 %
EUR 17’805
115 backers
Pepper Mill Away

Design, Fair Trade, and Education

Krong Kampong Chhnang

Pepper Mill Away

by SmilingGecko Carpentry | Cambodia Switzerland

With your purchase of a pepper mill, you will celebrate both the works of graduating apprentices at Smiling Gecko Carpentry and support the cost of training the next batch of apprentices.

106 %
CHF 17’008
51 backers
Ethiopie –Rencontres

Startup, Fair Trade, and Tourism

Addis Ababa

Le but du projet est de favoriser des rencontres respectueuses de la population locale pour les personnes intéressées à découvrir un magnifique pays, l’Ethiopie.Nous avons rencontré des guides locaux.

108 %
CHF 19’000
48 backers
Corona: Massai-Frauen helfen

Fashion, Fair Trade, and Community

Kenia and Lodungokwe

Corona: Massai-Frauen helfen

by Massai Art&Heart

Der Verein «Massai Art&Heart» setzt sich für Massai-Frauen in Kenia ein, die von Hand Schmuck produzieren und damit ihre Familien ernähren. Corona hat die Frauen hart getroffen: Wir möchten helfen!

100 %
CHF 10’027
33 backers
Lombok Eco Market Center

Fair Trade and Environment


Lombok Eco Market Center


We need YOUR help to get this project and eco-centre off the ground. After earthquake-2018 and COVID19 we try to make a positive change for our habitats by guiding them toward ECO and sustainable life

100 %
EUR 7’001
45 backers
A bridge to Lombok

Fair Trade, Community, and Environment


A bridge to Lombok

by Sasak Market

Because of COVID-19, Lombok lacks tourism and also the income of many artisans. With our online shop we can bring their handmade, sustainable products to Europe and secure their existence.

103 %
CHF 20’126
105 backers
Herstellung von Sheabutter

Fair Trade and Community


Sheabutter aus Südsudan - Existenzgrundlage für viele. Die Lulu Life Frauen stellen trotz Bürgerkrieg Sheabutter für die Körperpflege her, im Flüchtlingslager in Uganda und neu wieder in ihrem Land.

115 %
CHF 5’408
31 backers

Food, Fair Trade, and Community

Lucerne and Kasawo


by Florian Studer and Oliver von Braun-Dams

Schokolade ist nicht fair! Auch Fairtrade-Schokolade hält nicht, was sie verspricht. Genau das wollen wir ändern. SCHÖKI will Schokolade endlich wirklich fair, nachhaltig und transparent machen.

221 %
CHF 6’655
71 backers
Kazi Start Funding

Fair Trade and Community


Kazi Start Funding

by Nathan Vibert

A travers des prêts à 0% d’intérêt (indexé en monnaie locale), KAZI a pour objectif de faciliter la mise en place de projets dans le respect des objectifs de développement durable en Tanzanie