gabriela vetsch

Save the Lesbian Lobby!

Politics and Community

Bern, Zürich, and Geneva

The only national lobby for lesbians, bisexuals and queer women is in danger. Help the Swiss Lesbian Organisation overcome its financial struggles!

179 %
CHF 89’954
847 backers
Brettspiel "Tanz der Bienen"

Environment, Education, and Animals


Brettspiel «Tanz der Bienen»

by Markus vom Verein Analoges Spielen & Lernen

Willkommen im Reich der Bienen! «Tanz der Bienen» ist ein thematisches und lernreiches Brettspiel für 2-4 Arbeiter:innen und Tänzer:innen ab 10 Jahren. Eine Partie dauert 40-60 min.

109 %
CHF 31’757
393 backers
Dance Basel Festival

Performing arts, Festival, and Dance


Dance Basel – a new dance festival in Basel during the Art Basel week. We hope to support emerging choreographers by providing a quality platform during the world’s top art festival.

109 %
CHF 10’996
108 backers
Your own TV sitcom

Science, Film, and Festival


Your own TV sitcom

by Kurt FRANK

The turbulent adventures of the ancient Roman bar owner Barrelius, his Germanic family, as well as some of the house slaves, regulars and legionnaires – INCLUDING YOU.

100 %
EUR 2’520
14 backers
Basel Vergiss My Nid

Games, Photography, and Tourism

Basel, Oberwil, and Zürich

Das Memory-Spiel für alle Wegzügler, Heimwehgeplagten und Urbasler (*innen).

106 %
CHF 3’202
43 backers
Dance for MS



Dance for MS

by Piergiorgio

Charity Event
8. Februar 2018
19:30 Uhr | Elisabethenkirche Basel.
Dance performance by professional dancers from Ballett Basel, LoopTanz and others. Money will be donated to the MS Regionalgruppe BS

101 %
CHF 4’046
22 backers
The Braswell Arts Center

Community, Performing arts, and Dance


Offering free social programs for young artists and free performances for the public. Creating a space for professional innovation for all artists and building a stronger public relationship with art.

119 %
CHF 35’725
137 backers
Nachts im Sonnenspital

Community, Kids / Youth, and Environment


Nachts im Sonnenspital

by Nachts im Sonnenspital

Die Schweizer Tage der Sonne starten mit der NACHT der Sonne am 5. Mai 2017: dank Solaranlage & Kühltruhe soll das Spital in Guénon den Gebärenden auch nachts medizinische Versorgung sicher anbieten!

100 %
CHF 9’845
40 backers
 Choreographic Competitions!


Basel, Burgos, Copenhagen, and Madrid

Choreographic Competitions!

by Samuel Déniz Falcón

My name is Samuel, freelance dancer and choreographer who have had the luck of being selected to participate in 2international competitions with my last piece «I Noticed». To go, I need your support!

100 %
EUR 1’806
25 backers
Filter 4 danc3

Performing arts and Dance


Filter 4 danc3

by Filter4 danc3

Filter 4 danc3: A feeling of discomfort, a feeling of the unknown… A modern unique dance production with a twist!A project by GMR Dance Basel.

105 %
CHF 3’383
18 backers
The Cold Heart


Bern, Burgdorf, and Berlin

The Cold Heart

by Raff Fluri

In 1933 K. U. Schnabel, the famed pianist, produced & filmed a fairytale with the assistance of theater & music professionals in Berlin. With your help we’ll finally bring his film to the big screen!

158 %
CHF 31’701
109 backers

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  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
  • Make it public when you feel ready to
  • Successful projects since 20127,504
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 105.8 m
  • Community Members668,337