Yannick Sébastien Fournier

Let's reinvent democracy!

Politics, Community, and Environment


Another world is still possible! And it will be democratic, or it won’t be! A true ecological and social democracy is within reach, we need you! 💙

178 %
CHF 53’600
408 backers
Impact Fund 2023 – Vol. 4



Impact Fund 2023 – Vol. 4

by Verein Impact2020 and Team wemakeit

Energiekrise, Umweltzerstörung und Klimaerwärmung: die Uhr tickt. Wir brauchen vielfältige Lösungen, jetzt dringender als je zuvor! Unterstütze den Impact Fund 2023! Denn wir haben nur einen Planeten.

101 %
CHF 254’564
2628 backers
Soleva – Solar electric van

Technology, Environment, and Education


Soleva – Solar electric van

by Curdin W., Matthieu B., and Soleva Solar Team

With your support, we convert an old camper into an electric home on wheels, self-powered by 100% renewable energy. A project to inspire society to a sustainable transition in both mobility and energy

147 %
CHF 29’583
131 backers

Exhibition, Publishing, and Art



by Silvia Velázquez

Publication of a catalogue/artist's book gathering the works (drawings, engravings) of the Nostalgias series which will be presented in September during an exhibition in Lausanne.

112 %
CHF 2’244
39 backers
wemakeit Crowd Takeover

Startup and Community


wemakeit Crowd Takeover

by Team wemakeit

Investiere jetzt in wemakeit und werde Eigentümer*in der grössten Schweizer Crowdfunding-Plattform. Mit dir und tausenden anderen gehört wemakeit bald der Community. Bist du dabei?

100 %
CHF 8’000’000
5303 backers
SOS Fruits

Agriculture, Fair Trade, and Community


SOS Fruits

by SOS Fruits

SOS Fruits est une association qui propose un service de récolte bénévole régional à des propriétaires d’arbres fruitiers, tout en permettant à des personnes de venir récolter des fruits gratuitement.

117 %
CHF 5’899
98 backers
The Bulldog Attitude

Community and Animals


The Bulldog Attitude

by Isabelle Dupraz – Directrice de la Fondation Bouledogue Attitude, Françoise Houriet - Membre du Conseil de Fondation, and Francis Duc - Membre du Conseil de Fondation

A shelter for bulldogs. We will open a reception center to temporarily accommodate the dozens of dogs we place every year. Support us for the opening of this wonderful project !

100 %
CHF 60’400
431 backers
Together Now



Together Now

by Verein Grundeinkommen, Team wemakeit, and Dezentrum

Zusammen mit dir unterstützen wir diejenigen, die die Coronakrise am Ärgsten trifft. Wir schaffen ein Überbrückungseinkommen, das Menschen ohne Festanstellung durch die Krise hilft. Mach's möglich!

112 %
CHF 281’644
1498 backers
Impact Fund 2020 / Climate



Impact Fund 2020 / Climate

by Verein Impact2020 and Team wemakeit

Do more for our climate! With the Impact Fund and your support, we’ll help climate projects at wemakeit come to life. Join us now, the time to save our climate is running out!

108 %
CHF 271’799
2035 backers
Save the Bees

Science, Startup, and Environment


Save the Bees

by Pascal and Willi

The varroa mite is the main reason for bee deaths, we have found a solution to defeat the parasite. Support us in making our innovation accessible to all beekeepers.

190 %
CHF 95’446
564 backers
Stop synthetic pesticides

Agriculture, Politics, and Environment


Stop synthetic pesticides

by Association "Pour une Suisse libre de pesticides de synthèse"

Future3 has created an initiative in 2016, with the goal of changing the constitution to ban the use of synthetic pesticides in Switzerland.

103 %
CHF 25’976
251 backers
Fly the World

Film, Community, and Environment


Fly the World

by Xavier Rosset

Fly The World is an interactive air expedition to meet our planet. Aerial survey across 5 continents, 50 countries, 80'000km in 400 days to remember the forgotten wonders.

272 %
CHF 27’209
107 backers
smartvote 3.0

Politics, Community, and Technology


smartvote 3.0

by smartvote

Jeder 5. Wähler verlässt sich auf smartvote. Damit das so bleibt und es noch mehr werden, braucht es dringend eine Frischzellenkur: Hilf uns, smartvote zu verbessern und zukunftsfit zu machen.

183 %
CHF 45’875
703 backers
Mobile organic catering


Yverdon-les-Bains and Lausanne

Mobile organic catering

by Jeanne Froidevaux

Support Crêpes Gourmandes in the development of its mobile catering business by participating in the purchase of a food truck. Organic crêpes, side dishes and other treats will be served!

109 %
CHF 13’088
70 backers
Bond n Fly

Startup, Community, and Environment


Bond n Fly

by Bond n Fly

Give support to Bond n Fly! This travel community project aims to help people find travel friends and share adventures together. Join our community and let’s travel 2gether!

111 %
CHF 8’385
61 backers
Orioxy: New album



Orioxy is working on the 3rd album – to be released in February 2015! The production of the disc is at our expense and for that we are asking for your support!

115 %
CHF 11’542
58 backers

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  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
  • Make it public when you feel ready to
  • Successful projects since 20127,443
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 105.1 m
  • Community Members662,183