Christian Bachmann

FAMA will raus

Politics, Journalism, and Community

Bern, Basel, and Zürich

FAMA will raus

by FAMA Redaktorinnen*

Die FAMA ist die einzige feministisch_theologische Zeitschrift im deutschsprachigen Raum. Über eine neue digitale Plattform wollen wir unter die Leute. Werde Teil unserer Zukunft!

118 %
CHF 17’778
98 backers
Green Desert

Agriculture, Environment, and Education


Green Desert

by Jessica Bilali

With the first permaculture project in southern Morocco, we are counteracting desertification and teaching local people how to be self-sufficient in the long term.

216 %
CHF 54’202
254 backers
PACKI – der Velokorb

Startup, Design, and Environment


Gönn deinem Bike jetzt ein Upgrade! Unterstütze uns und transportiere dank PACKI noch mehr mit deinem Velo – stylisch, sicher und nachhaltig.

110 %
CHF 31’055
245 backers
KUORI – waste turns material

Startup, Technology, and Environment


Banana and nutshells are becoming with us the product of the future. Support us in the development of our biodegradable, elastic and bio-based alternative plastic.

204 %
CHF 51’200
250 backers
Kazi Start Funding

Fair Trade and Community


Kazi Start Funding

by Nathan Vibert

A travers des prêts à 0% d’intérêt (indexé en monnaie locale), KAZI a pour objectif de faciliter la mise en place de projets dans le respect des objectifs de développement durable en Tanzanie

100 %
CHF 2’500
17 backers
Irié – Debutalbum


Bern and Rolândia

We are Irié, two musicians from Bern (CH) and we are producing our first album with vocals and electronic music in our second home country Brazil. For this we need your help!

103 %
CHF 17’655
192 backers
Agroforestry, THE solution!

Agriculture, Community, and Environment

Ipojuca and Vevey

Agroforestry, THE solution!

by Marcio Baptista and Marisa Gabriela

Together, let's make Agroforestry Education accessible to small family farmers. To fight against hunger, preserve the primary forest and fix tons of CO2.

203 %
CHF 50’772
266 backers

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  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
  • Make it public when you feel ready to
  • Successful projects since 20127,534
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportCHF 105.9 m
  • Community Members673,962