Soleeya V. first EP



Dive into the enchanting world of Soleeya V.! Her debut EP, set to release in autumn 2024, is taking shape. Contribute to this emerging artist and become the builders of this musical dream!

12 %
CHF 725
23 days to go
Lumière sur les Jumeaux

Music, Community, and Performing Arts


Lumière sur les Jumeaux

by JumeauxJazzClub

La saison des Jumeaux Jazz Club reprend mais il reste indispensable d’acquérir du matériel technique pour permettre aux artistes de briller sur scène et de continuer à vous offrir des projets uniques.

79 %
CHF 11’875
5 days to go
A nous la vaisselle durable!



A nous la vaisselle durable!

by La Soupe à L'Ours

Depuis plusieurs années, nous louons de la vaisselle onéreuse à un prestataire externe. Des frais de location élèvés et des couverts peu adaptés. Il est temps d'avoir notre propre vaisselle.

127 %
CHF 3’175
95 backers
illo, eco-designed soap dish

Startup, Design, and Environment


A soap dish that is eco-designed, scalable, sustainable and anti-waste: that's «illo». To protect your solid cosmetics in the most beautiful way.
Delivery of contributions in September 2024.

102 %
CHF 15’302
95 backers
Clementine - The Mobile Bar

Food, Festival, and Tourism


Clementine - The Mobile Bar

by Jonathan Bornand

A mobile cocktail bar, in a retro-chic van that you can rent for your events, with super-original cocktails made by Bornand Liquors & Co?

100 %
CHF 20’160
95 backers
Climate Sheet 2023

Science, Publishing, and Environment

Bern and Chur

Climate Sheet 2023

by Klimablatt2023

The climate crisis has arrived. But oil companies, car manufacturers and others are investing millions to prevent climate protection. We must counter these campaigns.
Support us now!

236 %
CHF 23’691
244 backers
Bar Gala



Bar Gala

by Noemie

Adieu Café du Pont, bonjour Bar Gala ! Nous reprenons, en famille, le mythique café du centre ville Lausannois avec pour but de lui rendre sa fougue d’autrefois.

119 %
CHF 29’844
280 backers
The Zen Shores

Community, tourism, and Environment


The Zen Shores

by Les Rives Zen

Les Rives Zen welcomes you to a small wellness complex on the beach, on the new beach campsite in Estavayer-le-Lac with a breathtaking view of Lake Neuchâtel.

100 %
CHF 25’220
82 backers
La Rencontre

Community and Art


La Rencontre

by La Rencontre

En utilisant le vecteur qu’est l’art dans la réalisation d'une fresque, nous désirons favoriser les échanges et les rencontres pour des personnes migrantes vivant une précarité de liens sociaux.

113 %
CHF 2’260
38 backers
Impact Fund 2023 – Vol. 4



Impact Fund 2023 – Vol. 4

by Verein Impact2020 and Team wemakeit

Energiekrise, Umweltzerstörung und Klimaerwärmung: die Uhr tickt. Wir brauchen vielfältige Lösungen, jetzt dringender als je zuvor! Unterstütze den Impact Fund 2023! Denn wir haben nur einen Planeten.

101 %
CHF 254’564
2628 backers
Création d'un sauna mobile



Création d'un sauna mobile

by Aurel - Eloi - Seb

Avec notre projet fou de transformation d'un vieux camion en sauna mobile, nous vous garantissons des moments inoubliables de détente entre amis, où vous voulez et quand vous voulez!

100 %
CHF 18’000
78 backers
WAYA reinvent the toothpaste

Startup, Community, and Environment


The best toothpaste for your health and for the planet. My goal is to offer you a natural toothpaste, without plastic packaging, that is as good and as effective as a traditional toothpaste.

188 %
CHF 13’203
272 backers
Domani - Pizzeria Durable

Food, Fair Trade, and Environment


Domani - Pizzeria Durable

by Mario Mattiello

Domani will be the first Neapolitan pizzeria in Lausanne that will exclusively use local ingredients, from organic agriculture, and with a strong waste reduction approach!

139 %
CHF 22’316
194 backers
Impact Fund 2022: Vol. 3



Impact Fund 2022: Vol. 3

by Verein Impact2020 and Team wemakeit

The climate needs our continued commitment! With your help, the Impact Fund supports crowdfunding projects for a greener future for the third time. Time is running out, so get involved!

121 %
CHF 302’560
3207 backers

Fashion, Community, and Environment



by Isa Boucharlat, Aurélia Joly, and Laure Paschoud

LA TRAME invites us to rethink our clothing consumption through repairing, transforming and swapping.
LA TRAME will be a place to meet and share experiences about textile in Lausanne, Switzerland.

116 %
CHF 23’213
252 backers
School for Baka children

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education


School for Baka children

by Association Culture Nature Edzengui

In the north of Gabon, there is a Baka village («pygmy»), called Doumassi, in which live more than 50 children. None of them go to school, as the nearest school is located more than 9km away...

108 %
CHF 13’000
109 backers
Gaya menstrual lingerie

Fashion and Environment


Gaya menstrual lingerie

by Élodie and Gaya swiss menstrual lingerie

Gaya bietet Menstruationswäsche an, die die Monatsbinden mit einmaligem Gebrauch ersetzen. Eine gesunde und langlebige Unterwäsche, damit alle Frauen ihren Menstruationszyklus gelassen erleben können.

177 %
CHF 106’686
876 backers
Impact Fund 2021: Next Level


Zürich and Vienna

Impact Fund 2021: Next Level

by Verein Impact2020, Partnerstiftung (Start 2021), and Team wemakeit

Together, we can do it: We are giving 20 top crowdfunding projects, all of which have exhibited a positive impact on climate – a boost. Get involved today to help shape a better world for tomorrow.

216 %
CHF 541’690
2322 backers
Epicerie vrac Bio Bulk

Food, Fair Trade, and Environment


Epicerie vrac Bio Bulk

by Françoise Maden

Bio Bulk c’est la future épicerie zéro déchet, bio et local favorisant le circuit court. Elle sera équipée d’une machine à distribuer de la bière en vrac et d'un moulin à broyer les oléagineux.

118 %
CHF 41’306
262 backers
Soutenons la brasserie!

Food and Community


Soutenons la brasserie!

by Brasserie Brasse-Mortier

Le coronavirus n’aura pas notre peau! La Brasse-Mortier est installée depuis six ans au coeur de Romainmôtier (VD). Aujourd’hui, elle a besoin d'aide pour financer ses trois prochains brassins.

104 %
CHF 17’780
141 backers

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  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
  • Make it public when you feel ready to
  • Successful projects since 20127,298
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 102.9 m
  • Community Members647,975