Sociale, infanzia / giovani e educazione

Glarona, Friburgo e Kreuzlingen


di Schulwandel Stiftung

Permetti a ogni bambino di accedere alla scuola adatta alle sue esigenze e alleggerisci le scuole, le famiglie e gli insegnanti: solo così possiamo trasformare il sistema educativo.

1102 %
CHF 231’492
3017 sostenitori
Junglebrothers Kombucha

Gastronomia e startup


Junglebrothers Kombucha

di Junglebrothers Kombucha

We brew organic kombucha, without additives, by hand, here in Kleinbasel. Our philosophy is to create an authentic and unadulterated beverage that is both refreshing and healthy.

101 %
CHF 25’416
191 sostenitori
Learning From The Earth

Editoria, ambiente e educazione


Learning From The Earth

di ILEA (Institute for Land and Environmental Art), lenawitschi e Johannes M. Hedinger

What can we learn from the earth? A Publication on the co-existence of humankind and the planet, based on the current art, education and research activities of ILEA in Safiental, Switzerland.

100 %
CHF 20’000
43 sostenitori
More Happy Dogs

Scienza, tecnologia e animali


More Happy Dogs

di fair-dogs

Is this also your heartfelt wish? This includes: Understanding the needs and personality of a dog. And to have time for it. Help to complete the «dating site» for dogs & dog owners.

102 %
CHF 25’506
88 sostenitori
Phuong's climate trainings

Sociale, ambiente e educazione

Los Angeles, Hanoi e Berlino

... is Phuong Hoang's journey to become a Climate reality fighter, to learn deeply our Mother Earth and environment issues in different continents, to encourage the local youths to take action.

107 %
EUR 1’290
27 sostenitori
Artachment — Die Publikation

Mostre, editoria e arte

Basilea, Thalwil e Lucerna

Der Basler Ausstellungsraum Artachment verdichtet seine Geschichte und alle bisherigen Ausstellungen und Künstler aus über 10 Jahren in einer hochwertigen Jubiläumspublikation.

101 %
CHF 12’140
55 sostenitori
Hirnmusik #2

Editoria, musica e arte


Hirnmusik #2

di Simon Grab

Mit Hirnmusik #2 startet Simon Grab den zweiten Versuch, seine musikalische Imagination direkt vom Hirn anzuzapfen. Das Ergebnis wird als Schallplatte veröffentlicht.

140 %
CHF 5’605
87 sostenitori
The bianca Story – Vous êtes des gueules noires?

Musica e arte

Basilea e Berlino

Le but est simple: le nouvel album du groupe The bianca Story gratuit pour tout le monde! Vous aussi devenez des gueules noires! #TesUneGueuleNoire

101 %
EUR 91’662
624 sostenitori

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  • Sei tu a decidere quando pubblicare il tuo progetto
  • Progetti realizzati dal 20127’374
  • Percentuale di successo di wemakeit62%
  • Ammontare totale dei finanziamentiEUR 103.9 Mio
  • Membri della community654’575