The new Cinématographe



The new Cinématographe

by Collectif du nouveau Cinématographe

In March 2024, a new team will take over the direction of the Cinématographe in Lausanne. We need your help to keep this legendary cinema alive!

107 %
CHF 26’805
290 backers
De l'eau pour les Piaroas

Community and Kids / Youth


De l'eau pour les Piaroas

by Association Barranco Colorado

Nous projetons d’alimenter en eau potable, quatre villages qui se trouvent dans la région du Vichada en Colombie au bord d’affluents du fleuve Orénoque qui marque la frontière avec le Venezuela.

101 %
CHF 10’130
55 backers
Impact Fund 2023 – Vol. 4



Impact Fund 2023 – Vol. 4

by Verein Impact2020 and Team wemakeit

Energiekrise, Umweltzerstörung und Klimaerwärmung: die Uhr tickt. Wir brauchen vielfältige Lösungen, jetzt dringender als je zuvor! Unterstütze den Impact Fund 2023! Denn wir haben nur einen Planeten.

101 %
CHF 254’564
2628 backers
Agroforestry, THE solution!

Agriculture, Community, and Environment

Ipojuca and Vevey

Agroforestry, THE solution!

by Marcio Baptista and Marisa Gabriela

Together, let's make Agroforestry Education accessible to small family farmers. To fight against hunger, preserve the primary forest and fix tons of CO2.

203 %
CHF 50’772
266 backers
Accélérons la Transition

Community, Environment, and Education


Accélérons la Transition

by Réseau Transition Suisse Romande

Nous inspirons, soutenons et accompagnons la Transition vers un monde juste, résilient et durable. Nous souhaitons accélérer le changement pour que la Suisse honore ses engagements climatiques.

102 %
CHF 30’853
222 backers
Domani - Pizzeria Durable

Food, Fair Trade, and Environment


Domani - Pizzeria Durable

by Mario Mattiello

Domani will be the first Neapolitan pizzeria in Lausanne that will exclusively use local ingredients, from organic agriculture, and with a strong waste reduction approach!

139 %
CHF 22’316
194 backers
RAWA': Dryland Agroecology

Agriculture, Environment, and Education

Amman, Faro, and Zug

RAWA': Dryland Agroecology

by Rawa Agroecology Cooperative

Help us set up RAWA’! We produce video content about dryland agroecology in Arabic. We base our topics on farmers needs & interests and bridge the gap to academia.

100 %
CHF 60’017
263 backers
Gemeinsam ZeroWaste anpacken

Community and Environment


Gemeinsam ZeroWaste anpacken

by ZeroWaste Switzerland

Helft uns, die Umwelt zu schützen – mit der Schaffung eines landesweiten Netzes von Geschäften und Gastrobetrieben, die für wiederverwendbare Behälter offen sind.

207 %
CHF 51’794
379 backers
Climate farming online!

Startup, Environment, and Education


Climate farming online!

by Franz Keiser I Hof Wies and Monika I #TransitionCastle

If you want to act, you have to know how! Our online courses provide future climate farmers with practical knowledge about healthy soil, CO2 storage and circular economy on the farm.

118 %
CHF 53’449
283 backers
Deli Social

Food, Design, and Community


Deli Social

by Cocktail Sandwich

Deli Social is a creative culinary centre designed by Cocktail Sandwich. Become part of the family to support our residency program and innovative Lausanne store opening early-summer 2021.

108 %
CHF 21’656
141 backers

Startup and Environment



by Erica Mazerolle, Rorie, and Mickaël

A new shopping ecosystem where sustainability is the new normal. A practical, personal and local solution for low-waste living.

104 %
CHF 41’711
218 backers
Micro-ferme urbaine

Agriculture and Community


Micro-ferme urbaine

by Tête de MULE

L’association MULE a pour but d’intégrer l’agriculture bio-intensive dans la ville. Nous lançons notre ferme à Prilly sur des terrains communaux ! Aide nous à financer le début de notre aventure !

111 %
CHF 16’700
135 backers
Little Dakar

Film, Journalism, and Community

Buenos Aires

Little Dakar

by Valentine de Dardel and Adrián Cobos

A medium-length documentary project that needs your support to get off the ground! Help seven Senegalese street vendors in Buenos Aires expose their reality and denounce police repression.

123 %
CHF 8’630
80 backers
Le Grenier

Startup, agriculture, and Fair Trade


Le Grenier

by Le Grenier

Le nouveau projet de la Coopérative de la Brouette dont le but est d'approvisionner les restaurants scolaires, crèches, EMS en produits de saison et locaux et de proposer des paniers aux entreprises.

101 %
CHF 25’420
110 backers
Investigating murky waters

Publishing, Journalism, and Environment

Lausanne and Zürich

Laying the facts bare can change the world. Support two unprecedented and essential investigations to shine a spotlight on the dubious practices used by Swiss companies in poor countries.

207 %
CHF 31’131
323 backers
Unveil vagina’s microworld!

Science, Community, and Education

Basel and Zürich

Unveil vagina’s microworld!

by Monica Ticlla Ccenhua, Sonja Merten, and Ethel Mendocilla Sato

Are you aware that an army of microbes protects each vagina? We want to trigger an open conversation about vaginal health and empower women with knowledge of their most intimate microbes.

13 %
CHF 9’535
58 backers

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  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
  • Make it public when you feel ready to
  • Successful projects since 20127,207
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 101 m
  • Community Members631,345