La Méridienne, tome 2

Community and Literature

La Chaux-de-Fonds

La Méridienne, tome 2

by Librairie La Méridienne

Soutenez la librairie indépendante La Méridienne à l’heure de la transition !  

116 %
CHF 52’600
3 days to go au final, tout ira bien

Exhibition, Publishing, and Art

Lausanne au final, tout ira bien

by Silvia Velázquez

Soutenez ce beau projet d’exposition (dessin, installation, photo), de création d’un livre-objet, et de visites commentées à Lausanne en mai-juin 2024. Votre contribution fait toute la différence!

116 %
CHF 1’167
19 backers
Espace d'art pour EAF !

Exhibition, art, and Education


L’association Espace Artistes Femmes a enfin trouvé un lieu pour ses activités culturelles! Ce lieu sera dédié aux artistes femmes et contribuera activement à leur visibilité dans le monde de l’art.

110 %
CHF 8’840
109 backers
Podcast gegen Klima-Angst

Community and Environment

Lausanne and Winterthur

Podcast gegen Klima-Angst

by RADAR RP & Podcastschmiede

Wenn von Klima-Angst gesprochen wird, ist das Thema oft angstbesetzt und die vorgeschlagenen Lösungen sind individuell. Wir wählen einen anderen Ansatz.

103 %
CHF 20’767
154 backers
Fem in 1

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education

Lausanne and Geneva

Fem in 1

by Sarah Casieri, Morgane Gläser, and Catherine Ringenbach

Créons ensemble Fem in 1, lieu d’échanges pour recevoir astuces et conseils sur la périnatalité, lors de formations incluant les savoirs des médecines complémentaires et classique et du coaching.

100 %
CHF 29’590
67 backers
Third place l'Humanisienne

Startup, Community, and Environment

Yverdon-les-Bains and Neuchâtel

Third place l'Humanisienne

by aurelia.andraud

A Third-place in Yverdon-les-Bains or Neuchâtel! Bring together in the same space a cafe-canteen, a coworking area, a program of events & a furniture renovation workshop including a selling point.

100 %
CHF 20’009
80 backers
Le meilleur de la pâtisserie

Food, Journalism, and Literature


Le meilleur de la pâtisserie

by Virginie Gerhard and Siméon Calame

Aidez-nous à publier un livre superbement illustré, où la crème des pâtissiers romands mettent en avant les produits du terroir.

113 %
CHF 22’750
194 backers

Exhibition, Publishing, and Art



by Silvia Velázquez

Publication of a catalogue/artist's book gathering the works (drawings, engravings) of the Nostalgias series which will be presented in September during an exhibition in Lausanne.

112 %
CHF 2’244
39 backers

Kids / Youth, Technology, and Education

Zürich, Lugano, and Lausanne


by GirlsCodeToo

GirlsCodeToo aims to foster and nurture the curiosity, skills, and creativity of girls. We teach tech skills that help them make career and educational decisions for their future! Wanna get involved?

101 %
CHF 20’358
164 backers
Healing Prajjwal, together!


Basel, Lausanne, and Kathmandu

Healing Prajjwal, together!

by Johann Recordon and Reema (Sujeeta) Recordon

Our little brother Prajjwal has been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer untreatable in Nepal. Help us get him first-rate treatment in Switzerland!

153 %
CHF 61’515
465 backers
Let’s save 'Bateau-Lavoir'!

Food, Music, and Education


Let’s save ’Bateau-Lavoir’!

by café - restaurant 'le bateau-lavoir'

The Bateau-Lavoir is a unique socio-cultural scene set on the Rhône riverbank. It offers young people work placements to help them reintegrate into society, and operates on a non-subsidised basis.

103 %
CHF 51’683
356 backers
The Swiss Book of Bread

Food, Publishing, and Community

Basel and Lausanne

The definitive cookbook of 2020: learn to make delicious Swiss breads at home.

104 %
CHF 36’600
507 backers
Cylure Binchroom Lausanne

Food and Community


Cylure Binchroom Lausanne

by Cylure Binchroom

Trois amis, un binchroom. Mais pas que.
Des produits artisanaux et locaux, le bar dont nous rêvons pour bosser, vous accueillir et pèdzer.

231 %
CHF 23’150
185 backers
Génies du code – le livre

Publishing, Comics, and Technology


Génies du code – le livre

by Sylvain Fankhauser and Fanny Vaucher

Impression d’un manuel d’apprentissage de la programmation web en complète autonomie, destiné aux débutant-e-s, avec une approche hautement originale et farouchement rigoureuse. Testé et approuvé!

143 %
CHF 10’030
93 backers
Alter Keller

Agriculture and Community


Alter Keller

by Cédric Gaillard

Das Weingut «Le Feuillerage» hat Sie nötig! Mit Ihrer Hilfe werden wir unseren alten Keller renovieren.

212 %
CHF 37’125
185 backers
Powercoders Lausanne

Community, Technology, and Education


Powercoders Lausanne

by Hussam Allaham, ColineS., and Hélène Portier

Powercoders is a programming academy for refugees, which already took place in Bern and Zurich. We have a partial funding (from the SEM) for Lausanne, but we need your support to have a class of 20.

108 %
CHF 10’883
75 backers
Mobile organic catering


Yverdon-les-Bains and Lausanne

Mobile organic catering

by Jeanne Froidevaux

Support Crêpes Gourmandes in the development of its mobile catering business by participating in the purchase of a food truck. Organic crêpes, side dishes and other treats will be served!

109 %
CHF 13’088
70 backers
The Absurd Museum

Exhibition, Community, and Art


The Absurd Museum

by Paroxysme de l’Absurde

Because every way leads to the Absurd.

104 %
CHF 10’400
81 backers
À Bout de souffle



À Bout de souffle

by Lomotion AG | Filmproduktion

«À Bout de souffle» wird anhand individueller Geschichten eine Innenperspektive in die Welt der Velokuriere eröffnen: Eine Welt am Rand der Gesellschaft und dennoch im Herzen der Stadt.

154 %
CHF 7’711
72 backers

Exhibition, Music, and Art


MJ Gallery is a new non-for-profit project space focusing on contemporary practices in art and music through the scope of digital cultures. Its opening is planned for May 2013.

103 %
CHF 10’385
64 backers

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  • Successful projects since 20127,139
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 100.6 m
  • Community Members628,035