
Impact Hub

Support disruptive startup projects coming from the Impact Hub, a community of entrepreneurs. The network offers refreshing coworking spaces, a diverse learning community, startup incubator programs as well as innovation workshops for more than 16,000 members in 94+ Impact Hubs worldwide. Find out more.

cloudburst: circular clothes

Fashion, Fair Trade, and Environment


cloudburst: circular clothes

by Silvia & Ben Kiss von

Long-lasting, organic, circular clothes with a social impact. Good for the planet, the people and your skin too. Using European organic raw-materials fairly and entirely made in Europe.

129 %
CHF 23’236
180 backers
Cheffes immigrées de Genève

Food, Community, and Education


Nous révélons les talents culinaires des Mamans du monde entier pour qu'elles puissent vivre de leur passion. Nous avons besoin de votre soutien pour lever des fonds pour leur formation!

101 %
CHF 11’135
53 backers
Mycelium – the game

Games and Community


Mycelium – the game

by Marina Ruta and Rebel & Shine

Be inspired by nature, build your partnership as a thriving forest. Mycelium is a deck of 18 cards and a board game to help facilitate partnerships and to create safe spaces for collaboration.

106 %
CHF 3’525
47 backers
Support Empathy City Zurich

Politics, Community, and Education


Support Empathy City Zurich

by Empathie Initiative

From Zurich, we offer the world a reminder that a much more empathic society is possible. We are a growing community, and we hold courses on empathy and conflict resolution. Now we need your support!

106 %
CHF 53’486
413 backers
spirit bird

Startup, Community, and Environment


spirit bird

by Nina & Mats

The world is changing. The mental health of society is declining at a rapid pace. spirit bird helps you to slow down your everyday life and find your individual path to peace of mind.

101 %
CHF 24’250
163 backers
Smart Sanitizer

Science, Community, and Technology

Bern and Münsingen

Smart Sanitizer

by Smart Sanitizer and Handprint

We invite you to our test launch to experience the «Smart Sanitizer» device. Our mission is to set the new hygienic standards our community needs. #StrongerTogether

101 %
CHF 5’098
25 backers
ID Genève – Circular Watches

Design, Fair Trade, and Environment

Geneva, Lausanne, and Zürich

Contribute to the most eco-innovative watch in Switzerland! A new label: Circular Swiss made. Help us influence the industry towards a better sustainability!

182 %
CHF 273’317
161 backers
Aid Refugee & Migrant Talent

Startup, Community, and Education


COVID-19 has made the tough life of refugees and migrants tougher. At Capacity Zurich, we help to build their companies & identities in Switzerland! Help us to support their entrepreneurial education!

119 %
CHF 35’758
167 backers

Agriculture, Politics, and Environment



by Klara Kehnel, Alexis Dubout, and Dominik K

Essen ist politisch! Mit dem Ernährungs-parlament geben wir jungen Menschen und Berufseinsteiger*innen aus dem Landwirtschafts- und Ernährungssystem die Möglichkeit mitzureden und mitzuentscheiden.

106 %
CHF 53’452
246 backers
Rent organic baby clothes

Fashion, Startup, and Kids / Youth


Rent organic baby clothes

by OÏOÏOÏ baby -

Organic baby clothes from sustainable brands are passed from one family to the next. Because we rather share than accumulate, we protect our little ones and our planet. Baby clothes going circular.

100 %
CHF 40’213
88 backers

Startup, Fair Trade, and Environment



by Léa et Anne-Laure

HopVrac, c'est le futur Drive local, bio, zéro-déchet du canton de Neuchâtel! Nous voulons rendre accessible à tous la consommation zéro-déchet grâce à une solution en ligne, simple et pratique!

105 %
CHF 26’426
286 backers
Kulturraum PROZESS Bern

Exhibition, Community, and Performing Arts


Kulturraum PROZESS Bern

by annaanna and Hynek

Mit PROZESS entsteht ein neuer Raum für Kulturproduktion in Bern. Damit hier produziert, geprobt und aufgeführt werden kann, braucht es deine Unterstützung für die nötige Infrastruktur!

107 %
CHF 37’559
184 backers

Fair Trade, Community, and Education



by JLT Company Team

2020 wollen wir einen Pop-up Store für die neue Taschenmarke KoKoTé in Bern, Zürich eröffnen. Unterstützt Du KoKoTé, dann ermöglichst Du nachhaltige Bildung und Arbeitsintegration von Flüchtlingen.

104 %
CHF 62’665
221 backers

Food, Fair Trade, and Education



by Schoggifestival ehrundredlich

In der Kakao- und Schoggiproduktion läuft viel falsch. Es gibt aber auch Schokoladeproduzentinnen und Kakaoverarbeiter, die Verantwortung übernehmen. Die wollen wir dir am Schoggifestival zeigen.

136 %
CHF 20’492
205 backers
Powercoders Lausanne

Community, Technology, and Education


Powercoders Lausanne

by Hussam Allaham, ColineS., and Hélène Portier

Powercoders is a programming academy for refugees, which already took place in Bern and Zurich. We have a partial funding (from the SEM) for Lausanne, but we need your support to have a class of 20.

108 %
CHF 10’883
75 backers
Hakuna Matata in Morocco

Food, Community, and Environment


Hakuna Matata in Morocco

by Maison Darna and Klaudija Golic

Sustainable, organic and creative - a meeting place for all: Hakuna Matata, the first mainly organic restaurant in southern Morocco. Help us move a rethink. The plastic mountains are piling up here.

134 %
EUR 13’431
145 backers
Crowd Container #5

Food, agriculture, and Fair Trade

Zürich, Basel, and Mendoza

Crowd Container #5

by Crowd Container

Wie schmeckt der Kaffee von Carmen, Erick und Jhobinson aus dem peruanischen Bergregenwald? Erlebe Spezialitätenkaffee – 100% transparent vom Feld in deine Tasse.

109 %
CHF 39’529
317 backers
Susuru Ramen

Food and Startup


Susuru Ramen

by Lionel Coudray, Nour Khadam, and Alexandre Valette

Situé au centre de Genève, Susuru est un bar à ramen qui a besoin de votre soutien pour acquérir une machine à produire de véritables nouilles japonaises, à base de farine artisanale suisse.

105 %
CHF 41’815
231 backers
Crowd Container #4

Food, agriculture, and Fair Trade

Zürich, Camporeale, and Syracuse

Crowd Container #4

by Crowd Container

Diese Passata aus alten Tomatensorten gibt's nur im Crowd Container! Die Kooperative Valdibella hat sie extra für euch produziert – 100% fair und transparent vom Feld auf deinen Teller.

131 %
CHF 65’878
525 backers
Social Fabric «Better Way»

Fashion, Fair Trade, and Community


We employ refugees in Switzerland, and we work together with three social enterprises internationally. Help us to build communities through textiles by supporting our campaign.

110 %
CHF 22’150
165 backers
Flatmatch, die WG-Suche-App

Startup, Community, and Technology

Zürich, Bern, and Basel

Flatmatch bringt WGs und WG-Zimmer-Suchende per Matching-System näher zusammen. Für den Markteintritt benötigt das Schweizer Startup jetzt eure Hilfe um Weiterentwicklung und Marketing zu ermöglichen.

104 %
CHF 26’055
44 backers
Multimedialer Zeitstillstand

Exhibition, Film, and Performing Arts

Zürich and Frauenfeld

Multimedialer Zeitstillstand

by Kodachrome Theater

Deine Chance, das grossartige Theaterstück «Zeitstillstand» im neuen Inovationskraftwerk Selnau in Zürich zu erleben. Kombiniert mit einem gigantischen Animationsfilm. Sei mit dabei!

100 %
CHF 31’560
62 backers

Food, Startup, and Agriculture



by gmüesgarte

Smoothies und Salate - oder frisches Gemüse und Früchte. All dies gibt's ab diesem Sommer im gmüesgarte in Bern. Unsere Lebensmittel sind nicht normiert, sondern einfach «chrumm & früsch».

122 %
CHF 27’179
218 backers
Crowd Container #3

Food and Fair Trade

Zürich and Kozhikode

Crowd Container #3

by Crowd Container

Vermisst du den roten Reis, die Gewürze, das Kokosöl, Kaffee und die besten Cashews der Welt? Unsere Partner in Kerala freuen sich schon riesig auf deine nächste Bestellung!

126 %
CHF 76’191
466 backers
yamo – Fresh Bio-Babyfood

Food, Startup, and Kids / Youth


The only Swiss baby food: 100% organic, completely natural, no additives whatsoever – and as fresh as homemade. Order now and take advantage of our attractive introductory offer!

108 %
CHF 52’136
390 backers
Swiss Mead from A – Z



Swiss Mead from A – Z

by Metsiederei Eckert

More than honey:Support the Metsiederei and the dark bee in making a 100% Swiss Mead

104 %
CHF 8’865
63 backers

Community, Technology, and Education



by Christian Hirsig

With your support we are going to launch a coding academy for refugees in Bern. If possible we will open the school mid January and in April our first 10 to 20 students will start their internships.

117 %
CHF 23’475
163 backers
Crowd Container #2

Food and Fair Trade

Zürich, Camporeale, and Syracuse

Crowd Container #2

by Crowd Container

Crowd Container #2 kommt aus Sizilien! Du bestellst direkt bei den ProduzentInnen und erfährst, was hinter deiner täglichen Portion Pasta, Olivenöl und Tomaten Sugo steckt...

130 %
CHF 65’185
391 backers
Beezza! Kingbee Cook Book

Food, Publishing, and Environment


Beezza! Kingbee Cook Book

by Daniel Ambühl

Male Honeybees are delicious edible insects. «Beezza – das Bienenkochbuch» was released in September 2016. This book is unique in the world. Help me translate it to english and print a first edition.

103 %
CHF 9’323
39 backers
Restaurant Rechberg 1837



Restaurant Rechberg 1837

by Team Rechberg

Im Herzen der Zürcher Altstadt eröffnen wir ein Restaurant, bei welchem ausschliesslich Produkte verwendet werden, welche zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts auf den Zürcher Märkten zur Verfügung standen.

109 %
CHF 24’515
63 backers
Social Fabric «We Aspire»

Fashion, Community, and Environment


Social Fabric «We Aspire»

by Social Fabric, Helka Mäki, and Denise Schlumpf

Join us to fund a paid internship for Cisse, a refugee from Côte d’Ivoire who is passionate about tailoring. Get a high quality reward, tailored in Zürich, and be part of building an inclusive society

115 %
CHF 29’333
242 backers
COLD BREW à la Suisse

Food, Startup, and Fair Trade

Zürich, Geneva, and Basel

COLD BREW à la Suisse

by Marie & Michaël Tuil

Bring Cold Brew to Switzerland! Black cold coffee sounds awful? Wrong! It is smooth, has a caramel like taste and is even better for your stomach. Drink it, mix it and become a Cold Brew pioneer!

108 %
CHF 8’715
105 backers
The World Needs more NOWers

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education

Passugg and Zürich

The World Needs more NOWers

by Rahel Aschwanden, Fenna Oldendoerp, and Annina

The NOW Journey is an intercultural and hands-on learning experience that empowers young people to become agents of social change. Help us make this experience accessible to a diverse group of NOWers.

103 %
EUR 25’780
242 backers
Crowd Container

Food, Startup, and Fair Trade

Kozhikode and Zurich

Crowd Container

by Crowd Container

Bestell deine Gewürze, Nüsse, Kaffee, Reis und feines Kokosöl direkt bei den BäuerInnen in Kerala! Hilf mit, den Crowd Container zu füllen und werde Teil eines neuen Modells für den fairen Handel.

161 %
CHF 83’994
530 backers

Film, Startup, and Community

Zürich and Bern


by Severin-Wirth

Filme für alle! Ich sammle Geld für mein Projekt «Filmfabrik», welches den Zugang zu preiswerten und professionellen Videos ermöglicht. Alle sollten sich mit digitalen Medien repräsentieren können.

106 %
CHF 5’333
22 backers
Social Fabric

Fashion and Community


Social Fabric

by Social Fabric

A sustainable textile hub in Zurich – we support community, creativity, and innovation in the areas of textiles, fashion, and design.

111 %
CHF 16’740
196 backers
Food-Bike Zum guten Heinrich

Food and Startup


Food-Bike Zum guten Heinrich

by Zum guten Heinrich

With a hip Food Bike we want to provide sustainable lunch menus made from misshaped vegetables at Zürich Kalkbreite: Out of love for Food #FoodIsForEating #VoTsüriFürTsüri

120 %
CHF 21’021
184 backers
Bilderbücher für alle Kinder

Startup, Community, and Kids / Youth


Es gibt Kinder, die besitzen kein einziges eigenes Buch. Das wollen wir ändern! Wir verschenken Bilderbücher und organisieren Mitmachlesungen für Kinder und Eltern.

101 %
CHF 8’102
80 backers
Pixxadoo – Catch Cheeky Max

Games, Startup, and Kids / Youth

Zurich and Bern

An activity game that connects generations and keeps grandparents, parents and children mentally and physically fit. Support the 1st production of my game.

103 %
CHF 15’560
121 backers
Younited Cultures

Fashion and Community


Younited Cultures

by Younited Cultures

Immigrants deserve a better image and more encouragement. Join the trend to celebrate migration. You can help us create a symbol for cultural diversity: the Younited Cultures’ colors and scarf.

115 %
EUR 5’755
87 backers
holis market

Food, Technology, and Environment

Vienna, Graz, and Linz

holis market

by holis

holis market wird der weltweit erste On- und Offline-Marktplatz für gesunde und biologische Lebensmittel. Ohne Verpackung und Verschwendung. Für deine individuell angepasste Ernährung.

157 %
EUR 39’316
484 backers

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  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
  • Make it public when you feel ready to
  • Successful projects since 20127,561
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportCHF 106.4 m
  • Community Members677,599