|Hop> the quantum game

Games, Science, and Education


|Hop> the quantum game

by João S. Ferreira and Daniel Larose - La Rose des Jeux

Experience the quantum realm with |Hop>, a fast game of strategy and skill that leaves math at the door! Help us make it a reality! 2-4 players / 15 min / +14 years / FR & EN

100 %
CHF 15’102
208 backers
Fire and dust on mountains

Science and Environment


Sahara dust and wildfire smoke occasionally make their way to Switzerland. But how much? And what is their molecular composition? Help me answer these questions!

158 %
CHF 15’851
38 backers
Meine erste Demo

Community, Kids / Youth, and Literature


Meine erste Demo

by Natascha Beller and Karpi

«Meine erste Demo» ist ein Kinderbuch über den Besuch einer Demonstration. Es kann als satirisches Humor-Geschenk-Buch verwendet werden.

129 %
CHF 11’665
245 backers
T-shirt for our oceans

Fashion, Sport, and Environment


T-shirt for our oceans

by Teal Project

With YOUR help we want to produce our first performance t-shirt with recycled ocean plastic. You help clean up the oceans plus invest in building a reef with the Swiss organisation rrreefs!

123 %
CHF 43’366
122 backers
youmozart Music AI App

Science, Music, and Technology


Help us revolutionize music creation with youmozart AI! This AI-powered app creates personalized compositions. Join us on our crowdfunding journey and be part of the future of music.

208 %
CHF 10’420
51 backers
Cystic Fibrosis in Africa

Science, Kids / Youth, and Education

Fes and Bern

Cystic Fibrosis in Africa

by Hugues Abriel and Patricia Teixidor

We are Nada and Michèle, two students from the University of Bern (Prof. Abriel lab). We want to purchase a simple test device to detect cystic fibrosis, a rare disease, in Africa. Can you help us?

201 %
CHF 16’100
106 backers
Science Film Festival '21

Science, Film, and Festival

Zürich and Bern

Science Film Festival '21

by Silvie Cuperus, Samer Angelone, and Beno Baumberger

The 4th Global Science Film Festival is taking place from 19 to 28 November 2021 in Zurich and Bern. The festival program includes film screenings, debates and awards. Be part of it!

151 %
CHF 7’590
40 backers
Help us save coral reefs

Science and Environment


Help us save coral reefs

by Ulrike Pfreundt and Marie Griesmar

Our coral reefs are dying at an incomparable pace. And with them 25% of all animal species in the sea. We are rebuilding coral reefs with an exciting, scalable 3D-printed reef system.

116 %
CHF 70’185
453 backers
higgs – Das Wissensmagazin

Science, Journalism, and Education


higgs ist das erste und beste unabhängige Wissensmagazin der Schweiz: Wir schreiben aus Leidenschaft über dich und die Welt. Damit wir weiter mit Wissen um uns werfen können, brauchen wir dich.

110 %
CHF 122’435
969 backers
Kommt Ben Wilson nach Zürich

Kids / Youth and Art


Kommt Ben Wilson nach Zürich

by Musée Visionnaire | Art Brut & Outsider Art Zürich

Ben Wilson ist ein Künstler in der Ausstellung «Himmelsstürmer*innen auf Kurs» im Musée Visionnaire. Eine Schulklasse lädt ihn ein, um aus hässlichen plattgedrückten Kaugummis Kunstwerke zu machen.

109 %
CHF 5’470
40 backers
Psilocybin and Depression

Science and Community


Psilocybin and Depression

by Katrin Preller and Franz X. Vollenweider

We want to conduct the world’s first placebo-controlled study to treat depression with psilocybin, the active ingredient of the magic mushroom. But we can’t do this without your help!

119 %
CHF 59’762
190 backers
Save the Bees

Science, Startup, and Environment


Save the Bees

by Pascal and Willi

The varroa mite is the main reason for bee deaths, we have found a solution to defeat the parasite. Support us in making our innovation accessible to all beekeepers.

190 %
CHF 95’446
564 backers
Cody – the dog days are over

Film and Community

Zürich, London, and Târgoviște

Feature length documentary film about the power of animals and the bond between man and animals. This film wants to show the human-animal relationship from a different angle.

122 %
CHF 33’150
102 backers
Emotions in Management

Science and Education

St. Gallen

Emotions in Management

by Anne Rickelt

This project is part of my PhD thesis at the University of St.Gallen. I want to find out how emotions and personal relationships influence startup founders’ & managers’ behavior.

211 %
CHF 21’111
51 backers
Hackuarium needs you, too!

Science, Community, and Art

Lausanne and Renens

Three years ago, Hackuarium opened a laboratory for curious minds looking for answers to their questions. Why are our bees dying? Can I safely swim in the lake or make yeast sing? Help us do more!

240 %
CHF 24’040
53 backers


Neda, Galicia and Zürich

Maria lost her husband to the sea. Now, years later, after a storm, she believes to have found him again. But throgh her love a man dies. A film without dialogues. Just the coast and the actros.

101 %
CHF 27’382
65 backers
Ü30, Der Spielfilm

Film and Community


Ü30, Der Spielfilm

by Natascha Beller, Karpi, and Eric Andreae

Ü30 ist eine Komödie über die Abgründe von Frauen über 30. Verspielt erzählt der Film den Horror des Singleseins, das Grauen im Alltag einer alleinerziehenden Mutter & den Wahnsinn einer Karrierefrau.

110 %
CHF 29’764
161 backers
At The Heart of Congo Kids

Science, Kids / Youth, and Education


At The Heart of Congo Kids

by Patricia Teixidor and Hugues Abriel

A pediatric doctor from the University Clinics of Kinshasa (DR Congo) needs to purchase scientific equipment to do his research and get advice from Swiss cardiologists. Can you help us?

231 %
CHF 16’183
69 backers

Food, Fair Trade, and Community



by Martin Boyer, Fabiola Müller, and Florian Studer

Schokolade ist nicht fair, auch Fairtrade-Schokolade hält nicht was sie verspricht. Das wollen wir ändern. Zusammen mit Dir realisieren wir «Schöki», die beste, fairste und nachhaltigste Schokolade.

110 %
CHF 36’330
370 backers
La Preuve Scientifique


Finhaut, Zürich, and Geneva

La Preuve Scientifique de l’Existence de Dieu. Une comédie dramatique et décalée de Fred Baillif. Avec Irène Jacob, Sabine Bach et Jean-Luc Bideau.

106 %
CHF 31’890
106 backers
wemakeit Festival



wemakeit Festival

by Team wemakeit

Am 6. Februar feiert wemakeit Geburtstag. Gemeinsam mit dir möchten wir die Ideen und Projekte hoch leben lassen, die in den vergangenen vier Jahren bei wemakeit Wirklichkeit wurden. Sei dabei!

102 %
CHF 14’838
305 backers
Mir langets!

Politics and Journalism


Mir langets!

by Donat Kaufmann

Lasst uns gemeinsam ein Zeichen setzen und mit dem Kauf der Frontseite der Zeitung «20 Minuten» auf die absurden Züge des aktuellen Wahlkampfs aufmerksam machen.

106 %
CHF 147’271
12236 backers
Veganopolis Café

Food and Startup


Veganopolis Café

by Veganopolis Café

The very first vegan take-away in Lausanne!

142 %
CHF 21’370
252 backers
«Roma/Rio» – New Album


Vevey, Lausanne, and Rio de Janeiro

Andrea Esperti veut faire un nouvel album. Vous aussi? Aiderez-vous ce tromboniste à enregistrer une dizaine de titres tous plus beaux les uns que les autres?

107 %
CHF 5’380
34 backers
Transparency of libraries

Politics and Community

Geneva and Dübendorf

Transparency of libraries

by Christian Gutknecht

Help me to finance an appeal against the University of Geneva. The university should make their subscription fees to Elsevier, Springer and Wiley transparent .

120 %
CHF 6’045
76 backers
None Of Them & Zweihund

Film and Music

Mumbai and Zurich

None Of Them & Zweihund

by Nice Try Records

«None Of Them» make music for the 22nd century. Filmmakers zweihund will shoot a video clip in India for the song «Silence», which will appear simultaneously with the debut album.

101 %
CHF 6’110
56 backers
Personalizing Cancer Care

Science, Startup, and Technology


Personalizing Cancer Care

by Chris Steffi, Gian Nutal Schädli, and Barna

Help us now, revolutionize osteosarcoma treatment - an aggressive bone cancer affecting children. Minimal drug progress in this area needs attention. Contribute to breakthroughs and help young lives.

22 %
CHF 5’705
52 backers
Ausstellung der Mikrotiere

Exhibition, Science, and Kids / Youth


Ausstellung der Mikrotiere

by Die Ukrainer in der Schweiz

Wir sind Naturforschende aus der Ukraine, die wegen des Krieges in der Schweiz gestrandet sind. Nun möchten wir unsere Arbeit weiterführen: Ausstellungen über Mikroorganismen. Bitte unterstütze uns!

6 %
CHF 1’000
11 backers
The Naked Protein

Science, Publishing, and Education


The Naked Protein

by PS Magazine

Life depends on hundreds of thousands of proteins. But what do they do? Here is a book to find out! Taken from a popular science blog, discover the tale of 100 proteins told by a biologist and writer.

13 %
CHF 2’320
44 backers
Blumen für Zürich

Community and Environment


Blumen für Zürich

by Janine Husi and Gudrun Ongania

Wünschen wir uns nicht alle etwas mehr Natur im Alltag? Wir wollen dies ändern und diesen Sommer das längste Blumenfeld Zürichs ansähen. Vielleicht ist eins der 144 Blumenbeete bald deins?

14 %
CHF 4’802
44 backers
«Blue Butterfly»

Science and Performing Arts

Lausanne and Geneva

«Blue Butterfly»

by The Catalyst

A new transmedia theater play created by an international team of artists and scientists – help make this innovative cross-disciplinary piece come to life with high-quality projection mapping!

5 %
CHF 350
9 backers
Pornydays – Makeout4ultimate

Festival and Art


Porny Days ist Zürichs Festival, das sich der Sexualität in Film und Kunst widmet. Neben Filmen gibt es dieses Jahr auch eine spektakuläre Performance: Makeout4ultimate.

54 %
CHF 1’220
16 backers

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  • Successful projects since 20127,258
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 101.8 m
  • Community Members639,597