Let's help desert women

Community and Education


Let's help desert women

by Mahilao Suisse

To give disadvantaged women in India's desert a chance to access education and training.
By doing so, we are helping to combat gender inequality in this highly patriarchal rural environment.

137 %
CHF 4’967
64 backers
Bildung in Kambodscha

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education

Krong Battambang

Kinder sind unsere Zukunft. Sie versprühen Lebensfreude, Energie und haben die verrücktesten Ideen. Leider sind die Möglichkeiten und Chancen nicht für alle gleich. Wir möchten eine Schule in Kambodscha unterstützen.

250 %
CHF 5’000
67 backers
SwissCheck: Ethical Shopping

Science, Startup, and Community


Be part of a revolution in online shopping! Join us in our mission to build an AI tool that will make shopping safer and more transparent!

146 %
CHF 16’100
79 backers

Food, Startup, and Environment


At Pasta Paloma we are convinced that you are what you eat. Support us in the production of biodynamic pasta in Switzerland. Without any chemical-synthetic pesticides or additives.

113 %
CHF 17’015
154 backers

Startup, Technology, and Environment



by Alfons Huber

REPS converts footsteps into clean electricity, allowing rooms or cities to sustain themselves, regardless of the network. Together we could all be part of the solution!

103 %
EUR 11’857
46 backers
ADA Non-Alcoholic Spirits

Food and Startup


ADA Non-Alcoholic Spirits

by David Dominguez

Introducing a different way to unwind: non-alcoholic spirits powered by a very special plant growing in the Swiss Alps that uplift and calm, without the downsides of alcohol. Pure organic plant magic.

103 %
CHF 25’916
93 backers
Empowering Indigenous Women.

Fair Trade, Community, and Environment

Padre Abad

Empowering Indigenous Women.

by BluoVerda Deutschland e.V.

Do you know why the empowerment of indigenous women is so important? Indigenous women have their unique knowledge, which is very useful and effective for sustainable development initiatives.

119 %
EUR 8’930
49 backers
Donation for Afghanistan

Food and Community

Kabul, Kandahar, and Herat

Donation for Afghanistan

by Education_for_Integration

Since the country is under the control of the Taliban, the situation has gotten worse for the habitants. Many families are forced to flee from their homes and leave everything behind.

105 %
CHF 31’647
224 backers

Food, Startup, and Environment

Zollikofen and Zürich


by Mike Whyte and Flavio Hagenbuch

We have developed Luya – the tasty alternative to meat that doesn't try to be meat. 100% natural, circular deliciousness made in Switzerland from rescued organic ingredients.

224 %
CHF 56’046
318 backers
Musik statt Lärm

Politics, Community, and Environment


Musik statt Lärm

by Lärmliga Schweiz

Wie soll unsere Welt klingen? Mit einem witzigen Clip mobilisieren wir für unsere Petition gegen Poserlärm auf den Strassen. Mit deiner Hilfe können wir kräftig Druck auf die Politik machen.

163 %
CHF 11’441
125 backers
Let's consume differently!

Startup, Community, and Environment

Zürich, Cologne, and Brussels

Let's consume differently!

by David and Olivier

Help us produce natural household products in reusable glass/metal bottles to minimise waste and our footprint and change consumption habits.

100 %
CHF 25’070
97 backers
neon green

Startup, Technology, and Environment


neon green

by neon

Your account with simple CO2 compensation. Thanks to your green neon Mastercard. With this account, you're planting trees on the go. Be part of the pilot project for digital, green banking!

163 %
CHF 163’840
1515 backers
FYN Hummus for Switzerland!

Food, agriculture, and Environment


FYN Hummus for Switzerland!

by Anik, Theo, and Johanna

We bring the most innovative products of Swiss agriculture to your kitchen table or office! Our hummus is local, super tasty, healthy and made from 100% CH organic ingredients.

105 %
CHF 15’786
217 backers
Atelier Nora Engels

Startup, Design, and Art


Atelier Nora Engels

by Holzbildhauerin Nora Engels

Mein Lebenstraum wird Wirklichkeit. Es gibt viel zu tun. Im Traum geht das leicht. Real kostet es Zeit, Mut, Kraft und auch Geld. Von Herzen lade ich dich ein, Teil meines Traumprojektes zu werden.

100 %
CHF 50’455
177 backers
Pepper Mill Away

Design, Fair Trade, and Education

Krong Kampong Chhnang

Pepper Mill Away

by SmilingGecko Carpentry | Cambodia Switzerland

With your purchase of a pepper mill, you will celebrate both the works of graduating apprentices at Smiling Gecko Carpentry and support the cost of training the next batch of apprentices.

106 %
CHF 17’008
51 backers
TRAIN TO RIFF – Sportswear

Fashion, Sport, and Environment


TRAIN TO RIFF – Sportswear

by Oliver and Silvana

Wir produzieren nachhaltige und multifunktionale Sportkleidung. Bio, Recycled und Fair sind unsere Prämissen. Um unsere nächste MEGA-Collection auf die Beine zu stellen, brauchen wir Deine Hilfe!

113 %
CHF 51’036
369 backers
Bedrohte Rinder retten

Agriculture and Environment


Bedrohte Rinder retten

by Anja Tschannen

Ich züchte vom Aussterben bedrohte Evolèner Rinder und Rätisches Grauvieh. Wegen Schwergeburten brauchen meine Kühe eine Pause. Hilf mir, die Kosten des «Zweite-Chancen-Jahres» gemeinsam zu tragen.

104 %
CHF 11’606
98 backers
School bus for Mongolia

Community and Education

Thun and Ulaanbaatar

School bus for Mongolia

by Julien Savioz

15’000 kilometers, 17 countries and 40 days driving time. As the «Beo Boys» team, we travel from Switzerland to Mongolia – and hand over our VW bus there to a children’s charity for further use.

112 %
CHF 8’412
69 backers
Bauern & Elefanten SriLankas

Agriculture and Environment

Jonen and Tissamaharama

Elefanten und gleichzeitig traditionell arbeitende Bauern in Sri Lanka unterstützen? Das geht! Unser Ziel: Wir ermöglichen eine friedliche Co-Existenz und tun etwas für eine stark bedrohte Tierart!

104 %
CHF 17’178
49 backers

Fashion, Startup, and Environment

Bern and Zürich


by UND+CO.

The idea of UND+CO. is to build clothing and accessories that are good for the people and the planet whilst building consumer awareness. Be part of it!

150 %
CHF 13’555
156 backers
Werde ein Teil des Tierasyls

Agriculture, Community, and Animals


Werde ein Teil des Tierasyls

by Tierasyl Waldheim

Hilf mit vernachlässigten, misshandelten und ausgesetzten Tieren ein artgerechtes Restleben zu ermöglichen. Unterstütze das Tierasyl bei dringend notwendigen, wintersicheren Sanierungen.

108 %
CHF 21’725
152 backers
AMINA wants to fly.


Athens and Zürich

AMINA wants to fly.

by SAO Association

AMINA is the SAO Community- and Empowerment Centre for women refugees in Athens. At AMINA we support them in taking their next steps towards integration. Help AMINA get momentum and into full swing!

118 %
CHF 59’288
258 backers
Choba Choba – Nativo Project

Food, Fair Trade, and Environment

Bern and Juanjuí

Cacao diversity is at risk today with an industry producing standardized chocolates. Help us to save rare cacao varieties and together we will create the most amazing Swiss chocolates out of them!

175 %
CHF 140’073
1063 backers

Food, Startup, and Technology



by Kitchin

Cooking should be fun! So that your meals not only satisfy your hunger but also nourish your soul. Uncoated pans with a copper core & thoughtfully designed kitchen tools. Developed in Switzerland.

14 %
CHF 2’980
19 backers
Regionale Nothilfe

Startup, Politics, and Community

Spiez, Wimmis, and Thun

Regionale Nothilfe

by Fjäril-Haus and Kurt Hanhart

Ich eröffne eine Unterkunft für Menschen aus unserer Region welche von Armut, Suchtmittelabhängigkeit oder Obdachlosigkeit betroffenen sind, durch freiwillige, nachhaltige Begleitung.

23 %
CHF 11’880
42 backers
Betula Natura

Science, Startup, and Environment

Kreuzlingen and Konstanz

Betula Natura

by Betula Natura and Valeria

Für die Holzindustrie ist Birkenrinde ein Abfallprodukt. Für uns ist Birkenrinde eine Alternative zu Plastik - umweltfreundlich & nachhaltig. Produkte aus Birkenrinde verursachen kein Mikroplastik!

64 %
EUR 9’679
51 backers
Smart Kids in Sambia

Kids / Youth and Education


Smart Kids in Sambia

by Joachim Lerch

In vielen Entwicklungsländern mangelt es an einer guten naturwissenschaftlichen Bildung. Mit Science Shows kann man viele Kinder erreichen und ihnen Perspektiven für eine gute Zukunft aufzeigen.

51 %
EUR 1’275
10 backers
Schweizer Natur Eiscreme

Food, agriculture, and Environment

Nidau and Olten

Schweizer Natur Eiscreme

by Rubi’s ICE CREAMERY and CyberTyperCH

Unterstütze unsere Verkaufsfiliale Nidau-Biel, die traditionelle und einmalige Schweizer Eiscreme sowie nachhaltige Produkte aus der Bio-Landwirtschaft anbietet. Das ganze Jahr ein wahrer Genuss!

19 %
CHF 5’770
39 backers
Re-Bolting Tenerife

Community, Sport, and Tourism

Villa de Arico

Re-Bolting Tenerife

by Raphael Amrein

The project aims to replace the aging and rusty bolts on Tenerife with new ones. Your donation will help make the island's climbing walls safe again.

51 %
EUR 2’550
49 backers
Mó Acá In Amazonía Chocolate

Food, Fair Trade, and Environment

Madidi and Alto Beni

Mó Acá In Amazonía Chocolate

by Mó-Aca-In Amazonía

Amazon’s fires may be calming down in Bolivia, but the battle for the future of the world’s biggest tropical rainforest is not over. Please help us protect it by eating chocolate!

11 %
CHF 6’815
47 backers
Kaffee Gourmet

Food, Startup, and Fair Trade


Kaffee Gourmet

by Kaffee Gourmet - Ein junges Familienunternehmen!

Wir wollen als ein junges Familienunternehmen die Kaffee-Welt aufmischen und einen 100%igen, süssen Arabica Kaffee aus der noblen Region im Süden von Minas Gerais in Brasilien in dein Regal bringen!

6 %
CHF 932
22 backers
We Are Animals

Fashion, Design, and Community


We Are Animals

by Niklaus Schneider and Céline Schlegel

The minimalistic fashion of We Are Animals stands out and up for animals. Part of the profit goes to a good cause, namely one that fits the animal chosen. You’ll look animally great!

21 %
CHF 3’244
44 backers
A greenhouse for Embalama

Agriculture, Community, and Environment


A greenhouse for Embalama

by vitamintexte and Snowland Children Foundation

We need building material! With this and your support we would like to build a greenhouse in the Tibetan mountain village of Embalama to supply the village population with organic vegetables and more.

20 %
CHF 5’090
45 backers

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  • Successful projects since 20127,511
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 105.9 m
  • Community Members669,268