Neapolitan Songs vol.3

Music, art, and Literature


Neapolitan Songs vol.3

by Bryan Davis Benner

«Li Pisce Tornano!» means the fishes are back! It's also the title of our long awaited 3rd album of Neapolitan songs, featuring 11 exceptional arrangements by the legendary duo Cigliano & Gangi.

105 %
EUR 10’507
75 backers
Tocuyito Trio - Debut Album



A fascinating musical journey through the diverse country of Venezuela, in a unique way! With the Tocuyito Trio: Dalina Ugarte, Joseph Ávila & Santo Scala. Join us!

100 %
EUR 10’065
90 backers
Trio Klavis & Peter Turrini

Music and Literature


On the album «In the name of love» music and poetry tell stories of love, fears and hopes of an adolescent. Trio Klavis plays music by their saxophonist Miha Ferk, Peter Turrini reads Peter Turrini.

102 %
EUR 8’200
54 backers
"Weissensee" by Bryan Benner

Music, art, and Literature

Vienna, Zürich, and Weissensee

«Weissensee» by Bryan Benner

by Bryan Davis Benner

Recorded in the woods above a lake and town of the same name, «Weissensee» is the second self-recorded solo album of American turned Austrian singer songwriter Bryan Benner.

124 %
EUR 6’228
71 backers
Impact Fund 2023 – Vol. 4



Impact Fund 2023 – Vol. 4

by Verein Impact2020 and Team wemakeit

Energiekrise, Umweltzerstörung und Klimaerwärmung: die Uhr tickt. Wir brauchen vielfältige Lösungen, jetzt dringender als je zuvor! Unterstütze den Impact Fund 2023! Denn wir haben nur einen Planeten.

101 %
CHF 254’564
2628 backers
Neapolitan Songs Vol.2

Music, art, and Literature

Vienna, Würzburg, and Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

Neapolitan Songs Vol.2

by Bryan Davis Benner and Václav Fuksa

International Troubadours Bryan Benner (USA) and Václav Fuksa (CZ) are back with their second album of virtuosic Neapolitan songs for two guitars and voice, dedicated to the great Cigliano/Gangi duo!

125 %
EUR 8’789
59 backers
Morgiana and the 40 Thieves

Music, art, and Literature


Morgiana and the 40 Thieves

by Chanda VanderHart, Johanna Lacroix, and Rima Al-Juburi

Morgiana and the 40 Thieves is a beautiful storybook & CD featuring music for violin & piano & colorful illustrations. It reenvisions the classic fairytale, centering a strong, female protagonist.

105 %
EUR 12’665
131 backers
Illyrica's Album Debut +Tour


Zagreb and Vienna

Illyrica's Album Debut +Tour

by Nika Bauman and Ensemble Illyrica

Support the making of the very first album of the international quartet Ensemble Illyrica with works by Schubert, Piazzolla and Villa Lobos as well as their summer tour!

101 %
EUR 6’060
90 backers
wemakeit Crowd Takeover

Startup and Community


wemakeit Crowd Takeover

by Team wemakeit

Investiere jetzt in wemakeit und werde Eigentümer*in der grössten Schweizer Crowdfunding-Plattform. Mit dir und tausenden anderen gehört wemakeit bald der Community. Bist du dabei?

100 %
CHF 8’000’000
5303 backers
Ein bescheidenerer Vorschlag

Community, Performing arts, and Art


Unterstütze die Weltpremiere unseres Bouffontheaterstückes «Ein bescheidenerer Vorschlag» in Wien! Ein grotesker, humorvoller Abend bei dem das Lachen garantiert im Halse stecken bleibt!

101 %
EUR 6’766
88 backers
Impact Fund 2022: Vol. 3



Impact Fund 2022: Vol. 3

by Verein Impact2020 and Team wemakeit

The climate needs our continued commitment! With your help, the Impact Fund supports crowdfunding projects for a greener future for the third time. Time is running out, so get involved!

121 %
CHF 302’560
3207 backers
Neapolitan Song Project

Music and Art

Vienna, Zürich, and London

Neapolitan Song Project

by Bryan Davis Benner and Václav Fuksa

International troubadours Bryan Benner (USA) and Václav Fuksa (Czech Rep.) present a new album of timeless Neapolitan songs based on the elegant classical guitar arrangements of Cigliano and Gangi.

125 %
EUR 6’266
47 backers
Synesthetic Project: Tour

Music, Performing arts, and Dance


Synesthetic Project is taking it’s three productions on a tour as well as on video! Grab a ticket for a live performance (at last) and help us bring our shows online for those who can’t.

104 %
EUR 7’290
70 backers
Liebe auf den ersten Schluck



Liebe auf den ersten Schluck

by ensembleverbotenefrucht

Jippie! Unsere zweite CD liegt in den Geburtswehen... Wir proben schon fleißig und bald geht's ins Studio um speziell für Euch arrangierte Musik rund um Wien, Kaffee und Tango aufzunehmen.

102 %
EUR 9’210
86 backers
Bryan Benner: Stay Hydrated

Music, Performing arts, and Literature

Vienna, Zürich, and New York

Bryan Benner: Stay Hydrated

by Bryan Davis Benner

«Stay Hydrated» is traditional Floridan dialect for «I love you» and is also the name of Bryan Benner's next studio album. 13 Austro-American troubadour songs with full band, brass and strings.

103 %
EUR 10’385
86 backers
Ralph Mothwurf Orchestra

Music and Community

Vienna and Linz

Ralph Mothwurf Orchestra

by Yasmo und die Klangkantine

21 Instrumentalist*innen vereinen zeitgenössische Moderne mit Jazz. Das Ziel: Alle sollen für ihre Arbeit fair entlohnt werden.

100 %
EUR 8’005
51 backers
David und der Wolf



David und der Wolf

by David Stellner

David und der Wolf machen ein Album.

102 %
EUR 6’129
79 backers
Synesthetic Project: Video

Music, Performing arts, and Dance


The Vienna-based flutist Nika Bauman is on her way to make the final video of the Synesthetic Project series that interlaces classical music with contemporary arts.

109 %
EUR 2’735
60 backers
jusqu'à l'aurore



jusqu’à l’aurore

by Thomas Wally

A composer's dream comes true. In summer 2019, the Swiss Mondrian Ensemble will record chamber music written by Austrian composer Thomas Wally.

106 %
EUR 10’658
70 backers
Bryan Benner: The Modern Man


Vienna, London, and New York

Bryan Benner: The Modern Man

by Bryan Davis Benner

Frontman and founder of The Erlkings, Die Wandervögel and The Pool Boys, Bryan Benner presents his first solo album of original songs.

128 %
EUR 6’425
112 backers
Hanke Brothers


Amsterdam, Sindelfingen, and Vienna

Hanke Brothers

by Hanke Brothers

Classical music, pop, jazz, techno? Doesn't matter! The groove connects everything. 4 brothers with an unique instrumentation: recorder, tuba, viola and piano. Help us to realize our first album!

128 %
EUR 11’584
143 backers
Bamboo Agroforestry

Agriculture and Environment


Bamboo Agroforestry

by "BIDG" Bamboo for Integrated Development Ghana

BIDG aims to introduce an integrated, resilient and sustainable Bamboo-Agroforestry-System to reduce the poverty and hardship of local communities and smallholder farmers.

105 %
CHF 31’670
69 backers
Erwin & Edwin – Album #2



Nach 6 Jahren und über 200 Shows in ganz Europa produzieren wir in neuer Formation unser zweites Album! Wir brauchen eure Hilfe, um das Projekt in Eigenregie zu realisieren...

104 %
EUR 8’320
125 backers
New Piano Trio «I Love Pop»



Chamber music meets Pop: Our second album will be a love letter to pop music. Join us and be a part of creating this new recording!

109 %
EUR 9’755
77 backers
Talespin Book & CD: Monkey

Music, Kids / Youth, and Literature


Talespin Book & CD: Monkey

by Chanda Vanderhart and Johanna Lacroix

Help Talespin, Musical Tales for Big & Small produce their first children's musical story book, «The Monkey who Looked for Trouble», available in German, English and French

120 %
EUR 7’245
79 backers
Giniginamar: The Album


Vienna and Zürich

Giniginamar: The Album

by Bryan Davis Benner and Christoph Zimper

Your chance to pre-order the long awaited recording of Bryan Benner and Christoph Zimper's legendary collaboration on the island of Fuerteventura.

105 %
EUR 7’388
65 backers
Ensemble Verbotene Frucht

Music and Literature

Vienna, Berlin, and Linz

Ensemble Verbotene Frucht

by ensembleverbotenefrucht

Schon bald soll es unser preisgekröntes Programm «Morbides mit Charakter» auch auf CD geben. Vom Barock zur Moderne, vom Cembalo zum Melophon, vom Baby zum Greis - tollkühn, charmant und berührend!

122 %
EUR 7’325
56 backers
Richard Seniow Trio

Music, Performing arts, and Art


Richard Seniow Trio

by Richardseniow

This EP includes original compositions by Richard, who's found his musical home somewhere between jazz, hip-hop and classical music.
It’s the trio’s debut EP and we are excited for the release!

172 %
EUR 2’237
39 backers
trio oreade-Stradivari Vol.1



trio oreade & Stradivari: our first CD with the Strads is due. What else could it be but W.A.Mozart's Divertimento KV563, ingenious late work and a gem in the string trio repertoire?!

104 %
CHF 16’710
64 backers
Wandervögel – Trüffelräuber



Wandervögel – Trüffelräuber

by Raphael Widmann and Bryan Davis Benner

This is your chance to pre-order «Trüffelräuber», the newest album by Die Wandervögel. If you enjoyed our EP «Schenket Ein», soon you’ll have a full length album of our new take on the folk songs of A

117 %
EUR 6’504
82 backers
Jo Elle «New Album»



Hi! I’m Jo Elle, reggae singer from Zurich and would love to create a 2nd Album. I’m asking you to help contribute to my 5000CHF target by buying one of the many rewards here on «wemakeit».

106 %
CHF 5’307
43 backers
BB and The Pool Boys «Debut»



BB and The Pool Boys «Debut»

by Bryan Davis Benner

A chance to preorder the long awaited debut album of Bryan Benner and the Pool Boys! The songs of an American troubadour meet two outstanding Austrian musicians. Voice/guitar, cornet, and double bass.

123 %
EUR 6’887
125 backers
Bild und Ton

Music and Community


Bild und Ton

by sfum and Sera Kunz

Die «Schule für ungehinderte Musik» lanciert ein einmaliges Kunstprojekt: BUT. Die Beteiligten machen jetzt nicht nur die Musik. Sie steuern auch ihre Bilder bei. Bild und Ton. Von Mensch zu Mensch.

104 %
CHF 10’410
92 backers
Satire in Not

Performing Arts


Wir wurden vom Führer am Diskontermarkt mit einer Klage bedroht und damit an den Rand unserer Existenz gebracht. Hilf uns, ein Zeichen für die Meinungsfreiheit zu setzen und sichere die Zukunft der Hydra. Bussi!

157 %
EUR 4’713
176 backers
Tristan Isolde Desaster

Performing Arts


Tristan Isolde Desaster

by ILIOS Théâtre

We are a young professional theatre group seeking funding for our first play. Look forward to a novel interpretation of the classic love story of Tristan and Isolde: light-hearted theatre of objects.

128 %
EUR 10’245
83 backers
Hanna Kristall - 1st ALBUM!



With your support I will record my album in Los Angeles this summer. Have a look & be part of it! I’m Hanna Kristall, pop-singer, and I cannot wait to share my album with you.

100 %
EUR 8’803
51 backers
The unknown Vienna



The unknown Vienna

by Sieglinde Größinger

The early Flute concertos from the time of Maria Theresia as first recordings on historical instruments!

100 %
EUR 7’587
58 backers
A Feast of Duos: Web Series

Film and Music

Vienna and Sion

A Feast of Duos: Web Series

by Igudesman & Joo

Support Igudesman & Joo, Pavel Vernikov & talented young musicians! Help us fund our Web Series – the Feast of Duos – an unconventional violin/piano competition at the Sion Festival in Switzerland.

100 %
EUR 15’529
50 backers
Debut-CD des PQV


Vienna and Zürich

Debut-CD des PQV

by Sarah Weilenmann

«Werden – Sein – Vergehen»: Let yourself be carried away into the wonderful music of Haydn, Webern, Derungs and Mayuzumi with the Pacific Quartet Vienna.

108 %
EUR 13’052
61 backers
wemakeit Festival



wemakeit Festival

by Team wemakeit

Am 6. Februar feiert wemakeit Geburtstag. Gemeinsam mit dir möchten wir die Ideen und Projekte hoch leben lassen, die in den vergangenen vier Jahren bei wemakeit Wirklichkeit wurden. Sei dabei!

102 %
CHF 14’838
305 backers
Das Buch zur Virgilkapelle

Publishing and Architecture


Die Virgilkapelle: über Jahrhunderte verschüttet und vergessen, beim U-Bahn-Bau wiederentdeckt und freigelegt. Ihre Geschichte wird nun erstmals umfassend erforscht. Eine Publikation soll folgen.

135 %
EUR 24’390
163 backers
Progetto Gibson


Basel, Zurich, and Warsaw

Progetto Gibson

by Lech Antonio Uszynski

Recording & production of a unique album including compositions which have a historical connection to the famous «Gibson» Stradivari Viola.

100 %
EUR 16’085
61 backers




by Maria Radutu

Impressionistic, bizzare and desperate. A CD for sleepless nights, to find – step by step – peace and fulfillment...

106 %
EUR 6’384
53 backers
New Piano Trio CD


Vienna, Zurich, and Salzburg

New Piano Trio CD

by New Piano Trio

A CD filled with innovative grooves, classical skill and distinctive sound – combined in a unique way by the New Piano Trio. Thrilling, passionate and highly virtuosic.

141 %
EUR 12’747
98 backers
concerto\würzburg CD-Projekt



concerto\würzburg produces a CD with chamber music of unknown composers of the Mozart era from Würzburg played on period instruments. To our knowledge all pieces are world première recordings.

13 %
EUR 960
9 backers

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  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
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  • Successful projects since 20127,514
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 105.9 m
  • Community Members669,727