
Science Booster

Get involved in helping scientists discover more about the world, or even start your own project! To double your impact, the Swiss National Science Foundation will match your funding: for every franc you raise, you get another one, up to 5000 CHF.

All necessary information and the conditions of participation are available here. Or simply contact us via

Booster Status

Booster cycle running
Remaining slots open
Total of projects backed

Science, agriculture, and Art

La Chimba


by Maya Minder,, La Divina Papaya, and Julian Chollet (mikroBIOMIK)

TINKU UKU PACHA: Let’s create a Soil Assembly in Ecuador! Let us hear the voices of indigenous resistance, rural economies, artist and scientists. Let's gather as planetary peasants of the Earth!

96 %
CHF 9’607
44 hours to go
Making Bacteria Glow

Science and Kids / Youth


Making Bacteria Glow

by Science Olympiad

Help us provide young biology talents with an amazing experience! We want to make bacteria glow – and in doing so, introduce students to the fascinating world of molecular biology.

205 %
CHF 3’080
26 days to go
Brettspiel "Amazonia"

Games, Science, and Environment


Brettspiel «Amazonia»

by Markus vom Verein Analoges Spielen & Lernen

MISSION AMAZONIA ist eine wissenschaftliche Expedition in Form eines Brettspiels. Unterstütze uns bei der Finanzierung des Spiels und werde Teil eines brasilianischen Forschungsteams!

36 %
CHF 3’278
26 days to go
Gartenwald im Aufbau

Agriculture, Environment, and Education


Gartenwald im Aufbau

by Graines de nature

Der Verein Graines de Nature entwickelt einen Waldgarten, um zu inspirieren, zu sensibilisieren und über die Natur zu erziehen. Dieses Projekt wird sich in mehreren Etappen entfalten und wir brauchen

28 %
CHF 4’240
26 days to go
Solarfreeze-Kühlen mit Sonne

Community, Technology, and Environment

Basel, Zürich, and Havana

Solarfreeze-Kühlen mit Sonne

by Pierre Güntert, Simón Aurel Schwarz, and Ueli Künzi

Klimaneutrales Kühlen mit der Energie der Sonne ist die Zukunft. Helft uns alte energieintensive Klimaanlagen zu ersetzen und der Welt zu beweisen, dass Raumkühlung auch klimagerecht geht.

11 %
CHF 3’566
40 days to go
A satellite tag for science

Science, Environment, and Animals


Better understand to better protect! Let’s jointly fund a satellite tag to track sea devil rays and help scientists better protect them. Every contribution counts!

10 %
CHF 615
26 days to go
Impact du loup sur le bétail

Science, Environment, and Animals

Les Breuleux and Valeyres-sous-Rances

Le but du travail est de mettre en avant l’impact indirect que peut avoir le loup, par sa simple présence, sur le comportement ainsi que sur la production d’hormones de stress des moutons en Suisse.

200 %
CHF 10’025
63 backers
Future Vines - Cool Vines

Agriculture, Fair Trade, and Environment


Climate change threatens our existence. Robust varieties are the solution! Future vines mean, among other things: CO₂ savings, more biodiversity, no pesticides, natural wines. Are you ready for this?

117 %
CHF 22’270
80 backers
Bestiaire de l’Anthropocène

Science, Publishing, and Environment

Geneva and Lausanne

Atlas de spécimens hybrides, imprimé à l’encre argentée sur du papier noir, le «Bestiaire de l’Anthropocène» vous captivera! Prenez part à ce superbe projet, au croisement des sciences et du design!

185 %
CHF 11’120
72 backers
HUMUS sapiens - short guides

Science, agriculture, and Education


HUMUS sapiens - short guides

by Julian Chollet (mikroBIOMIK), Malte Larsen, and Akvilė Paukštytė

We want to help people grow high-quality food and, at the same time, improve the fertility of the soil. For this reason, we publish short guidebooks under an open license.

196 %
CHF 9’807
30 backers
Coexistence with the wolf

Science, Environment, and Animals


The goal of the research is to mimic the territorial behavior of wolves by creating natural barriers to deter them from approaching livestock. Contribute to investigating the potential of biofencing!

262 %
CHF 7’880
55 backers
La Maison Cerveau - tome 2

Science, Kids / Youth, and Literature


La Maison Cerveau - tome 2

by Aurélie Lattion and Alexandre Pinault

Soutenez les nouvelles aventures de Louisa et apprenez-en plus sur le lien entre le cerveau et les intestins! Et comme pour le 1er tome, la réalité augmentée vous emportera dans un voyage fascinant!

170 %
CHF 17’040
148 backers
(Spitz-) Mäuse in Städten?

Science, Environment, and Animals


(Spitz-) Mäuse in Städten?

by Verein StadtNatur

Kleinsäuger leben meist im Verborgenen. Einige gelten als Schädlinge, andere sind vom Aussterben bedroht. Sie kommen fast überall in der Schweiz vor. Und doch wissen wir nur wenig über sie.

203 %
CHF 10’180
53 backers
The First Vegan Farmer

Science, Film, and Agriculture

Bern and Maur

The First Vegan Farmer

by Archiv für Agrargeschichte

Mina Hofstetter (1883-1967) was the first female farmer to follow a vegan diet and farm without livestock. We are making the history of ecofeminism known with a video essay about this pioneer.

228 %
CHF 11’430
75 backers
Africa needs hyenas!

Science, Environment, and Animals


Africa needs hyenas!

by Raffaele Morisoli

Hyenas play an important role in the balance of the African ecosystem. Support me in researching the hunting behavior of spotted hyenas in South Africa!

188 %
CHF 11’300
33 backers
Faune des murs en pierres

Science, Environment, and Animals


Faune des murs en pierres

by Jossevel Christel

La valeur écologique des murs de pierres sèches a souvent été négligée. Ce sont pourtant de véritables abris pour la faune et la flore suisse! Découvrez avec moi leur importance pour les mustélidés!

105 %
CHF 2’640
20 backers
SwissCheck: Ethical Shopping

Science, Startup, and Community


Be part of a revolution in online shopping! Join us in our mission to build an AI tool that will make shopping safer and more transparent!

146 %
CHF 16’100
79 backers
 |Hop> the quantum game

Games, Science, and Education


|Hop> the quantum game

by João S. Ferreira and Daniel Larose - La Rose des Jeux

Experience the quantum realm with |Hop>, a fast game of strategy and skill that leaves math at the door! Help us make it a reality! 2-4 players / 15 min / +14 years / FR & EN

100 %
CHF 15’102
208 backers
Fire and dust on mountains

Science and Environment


Sahara dust and wildfire smoke occasionally make their way to Switzerland. But how much? And what is their molecular composition? Help me answer these questions!

158 %
CHF 15’851
38 backers
Research4Peace in Colombia

Politics and Community

Bogotá and Popayán

Colombian women are at the forefront of building peace. Help me document & amplify their initiatives to provide better evidence on how to design effective peace processes

207 %
CHF 10’370
20 backers
How do wild moose behave?

Science, Environment, and Animals


How do wild moose behave?

by Marine_Bagnoud

Unravel the enigmatic world of wild moose with me and contribute to wildlife preservation by helping me to uncover their secrets in Alaska during my master's thesis!

200 %
CHF 10’017
33 backers
T-shirt for our oceans

Fashion, Sport, and Environment


T-shirt for our oceans

by Teal Project

With YOUR help we want to produce our first performance t-shirt with recycled ocean plastic. You help clean up the oceans plus invest in building a reef with the Swiss organisation rrreefs!

123 %
CHF 43’366
122 backers
Swiss Psychedelic Forum

Science, Community, and Education


Swiss Psychedelic Forum

by ALPS Foundation

Join us in shaping the future of psychedelic therapy education in Switzerland: Help us make evidence-based and legal training for the next generation of psychologists and psychotherapists a reality!

194 %
CHF 10’784
61 backers
youmozart Music AI App

Science, Music, and Technology


Help us revolutionize music creation with youmozart AI! This AI-powered app creates personalized compositions. Join us on our crowdfunding journey and be part of the future of music.

208 %
CHF 10’420
51 backers
Cystic Fibrosis in Africa

Science, Kids / Youth, and Education

Fes and Bern

Cystic Fibrosis in Africa

by Hugues Abriel and Patricia Teixidor

We are Nada and Michèle, two students from the University of Bern (Prof. Abriel lab). We want to purchase a simple test device to detect cystic fibrosis, a rare disease, in Africa. Can you help us?

201 %
CHF 16’100
106 backers
Wiesel & Co. entdecken

Science, Environment, and Animals

Zürich, St. Gallen, and Bern

Wiesel & Co. entdecken

by Verein StadtNatur

Mit Fotofallenboxen wollen wir mehr über das Vorkommen und das Verhalten von Hermelinen, Mauswieseln und anderen kleinen Säugetieren herausfinden. Hilf uns dabei!

255 %
CHF 12’756
99 backers
Global Science Film Festival

Science, Film, and Festival

Lugano, Basel, and Zürich

Global Science Film Festival

by Silvie Cuperus and Samer Angelone

The Global Science Film Festival brings together society, filmmakers and science in cinema every year. Join us for the spring 2023 edition in Zurich, Basel or Lugano!

200 %
CHF 10’030
30 backers
Parenting together

Science, Publishing, and Community

St. Gallen

Parenting together

by Nora Bearth

Can paternity leave reduce the risk of postpartum depression among women? With your support, I would like to investigate this question as part of my dissertation.

228 %
CHF 3’420
33 backers
Caulys Home Garden – V2

Food, agriculture, and Technology


Caulys Home Garden – V2

by Grégoire Gentile - Caulys

Caulys allows you to produce fresh, local produce all year round, without any effort, at the best price. Make your indoor vegetable garden profitable in less than 2 months!

202 %
CHF 20’204
38 backers
EBE | Easy electronic design

Startup, Design, and Technology


EBE | Easy electronic design

by AdrienGirod and StEvUgnIn

We are developing EBE software to automatically design unique electronic circuits from an idea. Join the community to help us explore the possibilities!

206 %
CHF 10’310
37 backers
La Fabuleuse Maison Cerveau

Science, Kids / Youth, and Literature


La Fabuleuse Maison Cerveau

by Aurélie Lattion and Alexandre Pinault

Soutenez notre livre et offrez à vos enfants un voyage palpitant dans un cerveau en état de stress. Grâce à la réalité augmentée, vous serez littéralement plongé.e.s dans notre histoire fascinante.

156 %
CHF 23’505
237 backers

Kids / Youth, Technology, and Education

Zürich, Lugano, and Lausanne


by GirlsCodeToo

GirlsCodeToo aims to foster and nurture the curiosity, skills, and creativity of girls. We teach tech skills that help them make career and educational decisions for their future! Wanna get involved?

101 %
CHF 20’358
164 backers
Microbes go to school

Science, Kids / Youth, and Education


Microbes go to school

by Team Microbes

Microbiology must get out of the lab. Under our wing, biology students learn to popularize science by teaching kids the bright and dark sides of microbes.

104 %
CHF 20’835
89 backers
Science Film Festival '21

Science, Film, and Festival

Zürich and Bern

Science Film Festival '21

by Silvie Cuperus, Samer Angelone, and Beno Baumberger

The 4th Global Science Film Festival is taking place from 19 to 28 November 2021 in Zurich and Bern. The festival program includes film screenings, debates and awards. Be part of it!

151 %
CHF 7’590
40 backers
A thesis for track and field

Science and Sport

Lausanne and Strasbourg

Why do athletes run so fast? With your support, I want to bring a new look at the performance of top athletes by quantifying the impact of their careers.

101 %
CHF 20’230
65 backers
Mit Hightech ins Mittelalter

Exhibition and Technology


Wolltest Du schon immer mal mit einer App in die mittelalterliche Welt eintauchen und mittels neuster Technologie museale Objekte neu erleben? Genau das möchte dieses Ausstellungsprojekt ermöglichen.

101 %
CHF 5’080
59 backers
Digitizing Farming in Kenya

Startup, agriculture, and Technology


Digitizing Farming in Kenya

by Sabine Godinez and Mwangi Maina

SOKO is an agriculture startup that aims to digitize sheep farming. It will empower smallholder farmers to make a living from raising healthy sheep and sell them without going through intermediaries.

103 %
CHF 15’470
100 backers
Local Colours II

Science, Fashion, and Environment

Wädenswil and Zürich

Local Colours II

by Carys Schutzbach & Achim Ecker (ZHAW), Caroline Fourré, and krismller

The Local Colours project is a more sustainable alternative for industrial textile dyeing – Swiss linen, regional waste, natural colours and local partners.

121 %
CHF 18’224
163 backers
Wir tun mehr für das Meer!

Science, Environment, and Animals

Sicilì and Zürich

Wir tun mehr für das Meer!

by Thomas Murschetz

Als Wohltätigkeitsorganisation will Donating Hands für KYMA sea conversation & research ein Kurzportrait und Content für ihre Medienkanäle erstellen. So wird KYMA in Wachstum und Reichweite gefördert.

100 %
CHF 8’050
33 backers
SciFilmIt - Zurich Hackathon

Science and Film


SciFilmIt - Zurich Hackathon

by SciFilmIt - Zurich Hackathon

SciFilmIt bridges the gap between science and emotion through film. Help us bring scientists and artists together to innovate science communication and create cinema films that we share with you.

107 %
CHF 2’154
16 backers
Happy Home make it your own

Science, Community, and Environment

Si Racha

CAD Arbeit für 3 Modellhäuser, damit arme Familien im Selbstbau ein modulares, einfaches, stabiles und bezahlbares Heim bauen können. Unterstütze uns die Prototypen in Serienproduktion umsetzen!

106 %
CHF 21’214
42 backers
Expedition Glacialis

Science, Community, and Environment

Ilulissat and Açores

Expedition Glacialis

by Virginie Wyss, Richard Mardens, and Arnaud Conne

A human adventure on the sailing boat Atlas in the Arctic that combines SCIENCE & EDUCATION. We will study and census marine mammals, birds, pollution and climate change.

101 %
CHF 40’571
244 backers
Planetary Sustainability 21

Science, Environment, and Education


Planetary Sustainability 21

by Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA

Megaconstellations in the night sky, junk in Earth's orbit, the race to the moon and its resources: planetary sustainability comprising Earth and its space environment is ever more important. #SDG18

100 %
CHF 21’090
32 backers
Smart Sanitizer

Science, Community, and Technology

Bern and Münsingen

Smart Sanitizer

by Smart Sanitizer and Handprint

We invite you to our test launch to experience the «Smart Sanitizer» device. Our mission is to set the new hygienic standards our community needs. #StrongerTogether

101 %
CHF 5’098
25 backers
L’école, ça se critique ?

Science, Publishing, and Education


L’école, ça se critique ?

by La socio illustrée

Pensez-vous qu’il est temps d’améliorer l’enseignement ? Soutenez notre projet d’ouvrage illustré pour repenser l'école et soyez les premiers à découvrir notre méthode !

120 %
EUR 6’010
91 backers
Help us save coral reefs

Science and Environment


Help us save coral reefs

by Ulrike Pfreundt and Marie Griesmar

Our coral reefs are dying at an incomparable pace. And with them 25% of all animal species in the sea. We are rebuilding coral reefs with an exciting, scalable 3D-printed reef system.

116 %
CHF 70’185
453 backers

Science, architecture, and Environment



by Projet DEMO-MI2

Construction and experimentation of a pavilion demonstrating natural methods of cooling for an outdoor public space in summer conditions.

118 %
CHF 5’905
50 backers
Studie Versteckte Kinder

Science and Community


Hat Dir die Isolation im Lockdown zu schaffen gemacht? Für die Kinder von Gastarbeitern, welche versteckt in der Schweiz aufwuchsen, war eine solche Isolation oft über eine lange Zeit hinweg Alltag.

100 %
CHF 22’100
30 backers
Natur zu Hause

Science, Journalism, and Animals

Zürich, Bern, and Lucerne

Natur zu Hause

by Verein StadtNatur

Entdecke die Natur vor deiner Haustüre! Der Blog «Natur zu Hause » entführt Dich mit spannenden und wissenschaftlich fundierten Beiträgen in die wunderbar vielfältige Natur im Siedlungsgebiet.

189 %
CHF 9’493
70 backers
Less antibiotics for babies

Science and Kids / Youth

Lausanne and Lucerne

Less antibiotics for babies

by Eric Giannoni, Martin Stocker, and Varvara Dimopoulou Agri

Too many babies receive antibiotics. For the health of future generations, we need to reduce antibiotic exposure in early-life, while safely treating those in need of these life-saving treatments.

105 %
CHF 21’120
81 backers
Living in the KREIS House

Science, architecture, and Environment


Living in the KREIS House

by Devi and Laila

What does sustainable living look like and in particular, how does it feel? In the KREIS House, visitors experience a sustainable life style, and at the same time become part of a research project.

153 %
CHF 30’639
127 backers
Bud, you won't freeze!

Agriculture, Technology, and Environment

Arzier-Le Muids

Spring frost can cause serious damage when the buds start to emerge. The project provides real-time temperature monitoring and alerting tool to act quickly and decisively in case of frost.

200 %
CHF 4’006
13 backers
Corina gegen Corona

Science, Technology, and Education


Corina gegen Corona

by Urs and Corina

Eine junge Biochemiestudentin der Uni Bern realisiert zusammen mit Industrie- und Akademiepartnern während eines 2.5 monatigen Biotechnologie Praktikums einen neuen ultra low-cost Corona Test.

202 %
CHF 16’167
63 backers
Behold The Ocean

Science, Photography, and Environment

Punta Arenas and Zürich

Behold The Ocean

by Akosua Viktoria Adu-Sanyah

Adventure climate research in Patagonia: a photography and film project about a scientific expedition on The Strait of Magellan and the effects of climate change.

134 %
CHF 24’244
119 backers

Science, Publishing, and Community

Bern and Zürich


by Paolo Colombani

Vor 20 Jahren vermutet, heute bestätigt: Zivilisationskrankheiten haben einen gemeinsamen Nenner. Das E-Book mit Infographiken vom Bestsellerautor zeigt, wie man sie & das vorzeitige Altern bekämpft.

120 %
CHF 35’008
66 backers
Vegetables on the moon

Exhibition, Science, and Technology

Lucerne and Wädenswil

How can we feed astronauts in environments where no life exists? We are building a highly efficient system that can offer the optimal conditions for vegetables to grow sustainably, even on a moon.

186 %
CHF 11’215
48 backers
Projet Tana

Photography, Kids / Youth, and Environment

Geneva and Antananarivo

Projet Tana

by Projet TANA

Un livre pédagogique Helvético-Malgache. Une démarche pour la conservation de la biodiversité de Madagascar. Des enfants et des caméléons. Rejoignez l'aventure !

147 %
CHF 17’730
94 backers
Störungen früh erkennen

Science, Community, and Kids / Youth


Störungen früh erkennen

by Marc Birkhölzer

Ich möchte einen Fragebogen zur Erfassung von Auffälligkeiten in der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen in einer Studie wissenschaftlich überprüfen. Hilfst Du mir dabei?

122 %
CHF 28’204
69 backers
higgs – Das Wissensmagazin

Science, Journalism, and Education


higgs ist das erste und beste unabhängige Wissensmagazin der Schweiz: Wir schreiben aus Leidenschaft über dich und die Welt. Damit wir weiter mit Wissen um uns werfen können, brauchen wir dich.

110 %
CHF 122’435
969 backers
Grosse Abendsegler schützen

Science, Environment, and Animals


Grosse Abendsegler schützen

by Verein StadtNatur

Wir wollen möglichst viele Baumhöhlenquartiere der Fledermausart Grosser Abendsegler in Zürich und den Zürcher Stadtwälder finden & markieren, um sie so vor Baumfällungen zu schützen.
Hilf uns dabei!

247 %
CHF 12’356
94 backers
LogAir: crowdmap air quality

Science, Community, and Environment


LogAir: crowdmap air quality

by Julieta, Emmanuel, and Nicolas

Current available data on air quality isn't sufficient for avoiding exposure or for cities to develop effective policy. Generate real time data with our low-cost device, be part of the solution!

191 %
CHF 11’100
27 backers
CO₂-Score of all foods

Science, Food, and Environment


CO₂-Score of all foods

by Manuel Klarmann and Judith Ellens

We aim to calculate the CO₂ balance of 109,000 food products - and to make this data publicly available free of charge. This still needs some preparatory work. Can you help?

136 %
CHF 53’336
485 backers
AVENUE – Die Zeit ist knapp

Science, Journalism, and Community


AVENUE – Die Zeit ist knapp

by Corinna Virchow and Mario Kaiser

Countdown. Stress. Deadline. Wer hat an der Uhr gedreht? Wir, Corinna und Mario, suchen für unser Magazin Avenue nach den besten Antworten. Kämpft mit uns gegen die Zeitpleite!

176 %
CHF 26’497
167 backers
Replanting Rainforest

Science, Community, and Environment

Vang Vieng, Miri, and Kuala Lumpur

Replanting Rainforest

by Ennia and Cameron

Our project will explore how resilient reforestation of Asian rainforests is achievable in collaboration with native communities. To reduce our footprint, we want to travel there by container ship.

162 %
CHF 13’008
31 backers
Kaleido Retreat

Science, Community, and Education


Kaleido Retreat

by Kaleido

A transdisciplinary multi-day residential programme open to participants of all ages, genders and nationalities, offering workshops and talks that inspire us to discuss, experiment, learn and enjoy.

207 %
CHF 8’309
39 backers
HUMUS sapiens retreat 2019

Science, agriculture, and Education


HUMUS sapiens retreat 2019

by Julian Chollet (mikroBIOMIK), dusjagr, and Josephine Blersch

Open Soil: We conduct research on the secret ingredients that make plants happy. Let’s explore what is going on in the ground beneath our feet. Your chance to join and support the project!

203 %
EUR 9’160
22 backers
Robotik WM 2019

Science, Technology, and Education

Biel/Bienne and Sydney

Robotik WM 2019

by and jonas.jauslin

Wir nehmen an der Weltmeisterschaft in Robotik in Sydney, Australien, teil, um uns mit den besten Uni's der Welt zu messen. Helft mit!

228 %
CHF 6’860
19 backers
Save water with IoT

Agriculture, Technology, and Environment


Help us provide farmers with a tool to better manage the irrigation of their fields in real time, saving pumping costs and up to 30% water

200 %
CHF 8’038
21 backers
EPFL Rocket Team

Science, Technology, and Education

Truth or Consequences

EPFL Rocket Team

by EPFL Rocket Team

Soutenez une équipe d’étudiants de l’EPFL et aidez les à construire un engin capable d’atteindre 3’048 mètres d'altitude et remporter la plus grande compétition internationale de fusées.

219 %
CHF 4’390
21 backers
Congolese space rocket

Science, Technology, and Education

Kinshasa and Lausanne

Congolese space rocket

by Christian Denisart, Daniel Wyss, and Jean-Patrice Keka

Help us support Congolese engineer Jean-Patrice Keka to build the Troposphere 6 rocket, the first African rocket bound for space! This time, we're going to make it!

128 %
CHF 25’778
144 backers
Studyweek Aserbaidschan 2019

Science, tourism, and Education

Baku and Chur

Studyweek Aserbaidschan 2019

by Studyweek Aserbaidschan

Wir sind eine Gruppe von 8 Tourismusstudenten/-innen der HTW Chur, die für ein Studienprojekt die touristischen Möglichkeiten Bakus entdecken möchten. Über jede Unterstützung sind wir sehr dankbar!

210 %
CHF 5’255
19 backers
Verhinderung Massentourismus

Science, tourism, and Environment


Verhinderung Massentourismus

by Studyweek Azoren

Wir sind acht Studenten, die Tourismus an der HTW Chur studieren. Anfang Juni werden wir uns auf den Azoren mit dem Forschungsthema «Verhinderung von Massentourismus» auseinandersetzen.

206 %
CHF 4’124
24 backers
ReSeq: Reuse DNA Sequencers

Science, Community, and Education


ReSeq: Reuse DNA Sequencers

by kaspar, jmarkham, and bengtsjolen

We want to reuse older DNA sequencers and turn them into advanced instruments for more general scientific research. Help us develop software so everyone can repurpose and avoid wasting these machines.

200 %
CHF 10’048
27 backers
Fly to Space with me in 2019

Science and Technology


Fly to Space with me in 2019


Allow Boris Otter, 49 years old, to launch his Space Project on 12.04.2019, which is to go to Space in 2019 and to share it by offering the chance to 5 Space Tourists to join him inside the Spaceship.

152 %
CHF 15’230
39 backers
Arthrite de l'enfant

Science, Community, and Kids / Youth


Arthrite de l'enfant

by Nolwenn Marchal

Des médecins du CHUV veulent faire avancer la recherche sur l’arthrite de l’enfant. Mais pour ça, ils ont besoin de nous! Finançons leur projet pour aider les enfants qui souffrent de cette maladie.

216 %
CHF 5’948
56 backers
hiLyte: Ecological Battery

Science, Startup, and Environment


At hiLyte, we developed an ecological battery that is safe, low-cost, practical and on demand! Help us bring our prototype to emerging countries where kerosene is still used for lighting.

147 %
CHF 51’614
336 backers

Photography, Film, and Environment

Fribourg and Antananarivo


by Dimitri Känel, Nouvelle Planète, and Association Glocal

Un documentaire et un reportage photo! Ensemble, nous réaliserons un projet de développement durable à Madagascar, puis une exposition et des cinéma-conférences à Fribourg!

122 %
CHF 36’680
258 backers
Barrierefreie Bildung GL/HB

Science, Community, and Education

Winterthur and Zürich

Barrierefreie Bildung GL/HB

by Christiane Hohenstein, ZHAW Angewandte Linguistik, LCC and Larysa Zavgorodnia ZHAW Angewandte Linguistik

Hürden abbauen! Gemeinsam mit gehörlosen und hörbeeinträchtigten Menschen (GL/HB), denn in der Schweiz haben sie bislang deutlich schlechtere Bildungs-Chancen als z. B. Sehbeeinträchtigte.

207 %
CHF 10’395
29 backers
Artenvielfalt der Erebien

Science and Environment

Basel, Bern, and Grindelwald

Diese faszinierenden Schmetterlinge gehören zu den artenreichsten Gruppen der Schweiz.Sie sind vom Klimawandel bedroht aber wir wissen nicht einmal wie viele Arten es gibt! Hilf uns es herauszufinden!

203 %
CHF 10’182
30 backers
Psilocybin and Depression

Science and Community


Psilocybin and Depression

by Katrin Preller and Franz X. Vollenweider

We want to conduct the world’s first placebo-controlled study to treat depression with psilocybin, the active ingredient of the magic mushroom. But we can’t do this without your help!

119 %
CHF 59’762
190 backers
Wie tickt die Schweiz?

Science and Community


Wie tickt die Schweiz?

by Angewandte Linguistik ZHAW

Worüber denkt unsere Gesellschaft nach, wie redet sie und was beschäftigt sie? Wir wollen eine App entwickeln, die in allen vier Sprachregionen zeigt, wie die Schweiz tickt.

203 %
CHF 10’180
13 backers
Wetterstation Mauren

Science and Environment


Nach vier Wetterstationen im Liechtensteiner Oberland soll auch im Unterland eine erste Station zur Föhnerfassung installiert werden. Ein Projekt, dass bei jedem Wetter eine Investition Wert ist!

256 %
CHF 7’698
44 backers
Projet Super Tempête

Science, Kids / Youth, and Education

Gland, Renens, and Lausanne

Projet Super Tempête

by Association TM Tempête

L’objectif du projet Super Tempête est de modéliser un avion radio-commandé puis de l'imprimer en 3D pour expliquer les concepts de la mécanique du vol et de l’aérodynamique à des classes de secondaire.

211 %
CHF 9’500
5 backers

Science, Environment, and Education




Mache mit beim Abenteuer der 100% Bieler Mikroalge! Lerne sie zu produzieren, entdecke sie zu konsumieren oder genieße ihre vielfältigen Tugenden für die Gesundheit und Umwelt.

154 %
CHF 16’248
38 backers
App' Cosmétiques

Science, Journalism, and Environment


App' Cosmétiques

by La Fédération romande des consommateurs

Mon shampoing est-il nocif pour ma santé? Grâce à votre aide, la FRC développera une app mobile gratuite qui signalera si les substances contenues dans vos cosmétiques sont à risque ou pas.

240 %
CHF 38’411
650 backers works!

Science, Kids / Youth, and Education

Zürich works!

by Emanuela Chiapparini

The project « works!» provides parents with a better access to educational and leisure activities and checks the use and effect of the website. Help us to provide education for all!

207 %
CHF 12’009
65 backers
Escolhares 2018

Science, Community, and Kids / Youth

Rio de Janeiro and Lausanne

Escolhares 2018

by Katia Steinfeld

Public health care for the eyes of Brazilian children is missing. We are a group of Swiss & Brazilian medical students that want to change that. Help give eye exams and eyeglasses to 2’000 children!

229 %
CHF 6’889
44 backers
Save the Bees

Science, Startup, and Environment


Save the Bees

by Pascal and Willi

The varroa mite is the main reason for bee deaths, we have found a solution to defeat the parasite. Support us in making our innovation accessible to all beekeepers.

190 %
CHF 95’446
564 backers
Planetary Sustainability

Science, Environment, and Education


Planetary Sustainability

by Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA

Space junk, space tourism and space mining make clear: we need a new (18th) UN Sustainable Development Goal: our space environment, and the development of an ethics of planetary sustainability.

221 %
CHF 22’101
44 backers
Humus sapiens

Science, agriculture, and Education

Zürich and Munich

Humus sapiens

by Julian Chollet (mikroBIOMIK), Maya Minder,, and dusjagr

Open Soil: Research on the secret ingredients that make plants happy. Let’s explore what is going on in the ground beneath our feet. Let's dig deeper together. Your contribution to a soil solution!

225 %
EUR 20’252
62 backers
To the Edge of the World

Science and Publishing


To the Edge of the World

by Sandra Walser

How a Swiss became one of the the first polar tourists in history... A journey through space, time, and the mystical landscapes of the High North. (Please note: The book will be published in German.)

216 %
CHF 23’867
115 backers
Teaching Genetics in Congo

Science, Kids / Youth, and Education


Teaching Genetics in Congo

by Patricia Teixidor and Hugues Abriel

Join us to help fund tuition fees for Dr. Gerrye Mubungu, a young paediatrician from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), so she may implement a new medical genetics study program in Kinshasa.

212 %
CHF 12’767
43 backers
Emotions in Management

Science and Education

St. Gallen

Emotions in Management

by Anne Rickelt

This project is part of my PhD thesis at the University of St.Gallen. I want to find out how emotions and personal relationships influence startup founders’ & managers’ behavior.

211 %
CHF 21’111
51 backers
Wilde Nachbarn entdecken

Science, Photography, and Animals

Bern, St. Gallen, and Zürich

Wilde Nachbarn entdecken

by Verein StadtNatur

Interessiert es Dich, welche Wildtiere in Deinem Wohnquartier unterwegs sind? Mit Hilfe von Wildtierkameras, werden Deine wilden Nachbarn sichtbar – auch in der Nacht, wenn Du schläfst.

221 %
CHF 22’128
95 backers
Naturschutz: Monte di Ces

Science, agriculture, and Environment

Chironico, Faido, and Semione

Mit welcher Bewirtschaftung kann die Landschaftsqualität optimal gefördert werden? Eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen Wissenschaft und Bio Bergbauer legt die Grundlage für eine nachhaltige Landnutzung.

251 %
CHF 20’106
59 backers
Climate science for everyone

Science, Environment, and Education


Climate science for everyone

by Climanosco and Michel Bourqui

Each year 15,000 new climate research articles are published. This research is vital in creating solutions for climate challenges, but is inaccessible to most people. Climanosco is set to change this.

218 %
CHF 21’871
25 backers
Sterne für alle!

Science, Kids / Youth, and Environment

Neuchâtel, Geneva, and Bern

Sterne anbieten. An alle. Das ist mein Traum. Hier finanzieren Sie ein Teleskop, um Menschen zu begegnen. Schulen, Vereine, Jugend-, Kultur- und Beratungszentren, Sie? Sterne für alle!

308 %
CHF 4’673
14 backers
Syndrome du Cri-du-Chat

Science, Publishing, and Community


Syndrome du Cri-du-Chat

by Entreligne – Olivier Collaud

Pas à pas, le livre qui traite du syndrome du Cri-du-Chat, une maladie génétique rare. Contenu du livre: définition du syndrome par le corps médical. 15 récits de famille de Suisse, France et Canada

224 %
CHF 13’477
74 backers
odenwilusenz Hackerspace

Science, art, and Technology


Wir bauen einen Hackerspace in Beringen (Schaffhausen).
Besucher mit Freude an Wissenschaft, Technik, Kunst und Informatik unterstützen sich gegenseitig bei technischen Projekten.
Mach auch mit!

226 %
CHF 9’265
35 backers
Sub-rec Les trésors du Léman

Science, Film, and Environment


Nous explorons les fonds du Léman depuis plus de 40 ans, cherchant à mieux le connaître ainsi que ses trésors. Nous avons besoin de votre aide pour améliorer notre efficacité, ess. dans les recherches

256 %
CHF 28’241
12 backers
Histoires d'élection au 18e

Science, Politics, and Community


Histoires d'élection au 18e

by Les 18èmes d'Yverdon et Région

Pour reconstituer une élection du 18e, nous avons besoin d’objets particuliers tels qu’un scrutin (urne) avec ses tiroirs et godets, un sac et des billes blanches et dorées pour le tirage au sort.

212 %
CHF 21’271
52 backers
Hackuarium needs you, too!

Science, Community, and Art

Lausanne and Renens

Three years ago, Hackuarium opened a laboratory for curious minds looking for answers to their questions. Why are our bees dying? Can I safely swim in the lake or make yeast sing? Help us do more!

240 %
CHF 24’040
53 backers
Fablab Onl'Fait

Science, Technology, and Education


Fablab Onl'Fait

by Onl’Fait, Cristina Olivotto, Sébastien Mischler, and Mathieu Jacquesson

Onl’Fait is an open educational technological maker space, where everybody - artisans, children, artists, curious - is welcome to learn, make, share, fix, create, discuss, teach, fail and tinker.

242 %
CHF 24’256
79 backers
Biohack Retreat Klöntal 2017

Science, art, and Environment

Glarus and Zürich

Biohack Retreat Klöntal 2017

by dusjagr and Maya Minder,

Biohacking is Citizen Science! With YOU we enable this unique global gathering of biohackers and artists to give you an insight of how an open collaborative exchange can rethink the world we live in.

243 %
CHF 18’288
51 backers
Projet Spectro-Pointer

Science, Technology, and Education


Projet Spectro-Pointer

by Spectro -Pointer Project

Notre projet étudie les OVNI d’un point de vue scientifique, en temps réel, grâce au captage de la signature spectrale du phénomène lumineux observé. Cette signature est analysée dans notre DB.

212 %
CHF 19’105
17 backers
Swiss Quantum Optics @ USA

Science, Technology, and Education


My name is Julius Vering and my passion is Quantum Optics. This summer, I am the only Swiss student to conduct research at the world famous MIT. But I need you support to make this dream come true!

248 %
CHF 11’170
32 backers
At The Heart of Congo Kids

Science, Kids / Youth, and Education


At The Heart of Congo Kids

by Patricia Teixidor and Hugues Abriel

A pediatric doctor from the University Clinics of Kinshasa (DR Congo) needs to purchase scientific equipment to do his research and get advice from Swiss cardiologists. Can you help us?

231 %
CHF 16’183
69 backers

Science, Community, and Technology



by Philippe Schucht, Michael Murek, and Irena Zubak

The HORAO project puts the most brilliant minds to work on improving technologies that visualize the exact border between brain tumor and healthy brain through a global prize-based competition!

138 %
CHF 69’110
230 backers
Water Drop DNA

Science, Community, and Environment


Water Drop DNA

by Bang Bang Agency

In the past 20 years 10% of nature was destroyed by humans.And in 60 years?This project assesses the health of lakes & oceans with Mike Horns support and aims to raise awareness and preserve our world

165 %
CHF 33’011
107 backers
ftero - Airborne Wind Energy

Science and Education


Student project at ETH Zurich with the goal to develop an autonomous and aerodynamical optimized Airborne Wind Energy System.

211 %
CHF 21’136
34 backers

Science and Community



by SkinReactor

SkinReactor – make a difference in treatment of severe burns for children. With our cell-growing machine especially designed for bioengineered skin, every child will only need one surgery!

211 %
CHF 15’843
22 backers
The Sea Cleaners

Science and Environment


The Sea Cleaners

by The Sea Cleaners

Let’s clean the oceans together with the first sailboat raking up the seas to collect plastic wastes.

123 %
CHF 61’877
247 backers
Foodautonomie für Luzern?!

Science and Education


Der Trend Urban Gardening aus New York pflanzt sich jetzt auch langsam in Luzern fort. Meine Maturaarbeit erklärt, um was es sich genau handelt und mit einem Experiment will ich den Trend untersuchen.

258 %
CHF 2’581
28 backers

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  • Successful projects since 20127,561
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportCHF 106.3 m
  • Community Members677,094